Ch.82 halloween

508 12 3

October 31 2017
Madison's Pov
"Please come with us" Zach begs

"Guys my parents died like 2 months ago. It's disrespectful if I celebrate halloween" I say

"Come on. Just the haunted maze. Them we'll come home and watch movies" Daniel says grabbing my hands

"Fine" I sigh "only the haunted house. You guys can go to the party." I say

"I'll stay with you" Daniel smiles.

Time skip

It's around 9:30pm and we're next in line to go threw the Haunted maze. We're going in groups of 2 and the first one out wins. Aspen and my brother are going threw together. Christina and Corbyn. Aaliyah and Jonah. Zach and Jack, because #jach. And Daniel are I are going together.

Everyone walks in. Each group 10 seconds after the one before. Daniel and I go in last.

"Now if I jump on you. It's not my fault" I say looking up at Daniel

"If I jump on you, it's not my fault" he laugh.

As we walk in farther. A fog machine brings out light fog.

Then a guy in a clown jumps in front of us. Daniel and I both scream, and I warping my arms around Daniel.

We keep walking farther into the maze. People dressed in costumes scare us. I jumped on once Daniel because of how scared I got.

"It's the exit" I yell tugging at Daniel's arm.

We both run to it, but before we get to it, a guy with a mask jumps out in front of us and starts to chase us.

We scream as Daniel grabs my arm. And we both run the other way. We turn a few corners and a guy jumps in front of us again. This time Daniel gets screams louder then me.

I literally jump onto Daniel's back. He sprints out of the maze. I get of his back and warp my arms around him.

"I'm scarred for life" I say

"Bye. I'm never leaving my house again" Daniel says walking away.

"Don't leave me" I say running up to him.

We both get into the car.

"You guys can get an Uber to the party" Daniel yells back to them.

And with that he closes the door and we drive off.

"I'm never gonna be able to sleep again. Or be alone again" I say. Daniel puts one hand on my thigh and keeps the other on the wheel. My heart melts.

"It's ok, because I'm never gonna be able to be alone either. We'll just stay together." He says glancing over at me.
I put my hand on his and smile.

Time skip

We get back to Daniel's house and he changes into joggers and shirt and brings me down one of his hoodies. I put the hoodie one.

God this smells good, just like him

I snuggle into his chest as he wraps his arm around me.

"So my hoodie smells good huh" Daniel says looking down at me.

"Oh did I say that out loud" I say embarrassed.

"I'm still scared" I laugh

"Lets watch a movie. To get our minds off of that" he suggest.

He gets up to get the remote. I'm now realizing how warm he is.

"Come back I'm cold" I whine. He chuckles and sits back down next to me. I cuddle closer to him as he starts playing with my hair softly.

Time skip
"Good night princess" I hear Daniel say has he kisses my head.

I open my eyes, still half asleep. I'm in Daniel's room.

"Where are you going" I whisper in a raspy voice

"To sleep" he whispers

"Your bed is right here" I say. "I'm going to sleep on the couch" I say getting up. Daniel runs to my side.

"No, Madison you sleeping here" He says sitting me back down.

"It's your bed." I say

"I'm letting you sleep in it" he says

"No. I'm not letting you sleep on the couch" I protest.

"If I sleep here would it be better" he sigh

"And I'll sleep on the couch" I say getting up.

"If I sleep here,  you sleep here" he says sitting me back down again.

We both get bed. My back facing Daniel. I start to get cold, so I curl up in a ball.

We both sleep on opposite sides of the bed. Because well, nether of us sleep with someone before marriage.

A.n: I think this book is gonna end at max 100 chapters. And I'm gonna have a second book don't worry.

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