Hybrid Queen

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Prologue *Parents POV*

Ivy footsteps sounded off the walls of the driveway. The sharp clacks against the pavement somehow conveyed a hurried sort of nervousness, but she didn't know why she was so anxious. My daughter didn't know what to expect when she saw me, her father, and Kiara (Ivy may call her a stranger) standing in the living room. As her footsteps got closer I became anxious I wanted to tell her that she needed to turn around, but kiara would have had her suspicion, but it was barely after dark far earlier than usual when Ivy stepped foot in the house. Today was the when I knew my baby girl will be stripped away from me. She is only eight years old with a huge secret that no one not even her knows about until she comes of age when she turn thirteen. I could feel her nervousness from the other end of the door when she stepped inside I could tell she was wondering why kiara was here she knew something was wrong when she looked deep within my eyes. My baby girl was born a vampire hybrid, but when she turns thirteen not only will she start to sense her beloved and her powers are going to come I wish we would be there for her, but we knew that they wouldn't allow her to stay with us since we made that contract nearly a thousand years ago. Still, something tonight was making her skin crawl. Her stormy gray eyes were locked on kiara and I knew my daughter had a crush on one of the queen warriors that put a smile upon my face. I've known the queen for millennium she wouldn't harm my child because she thought we adopted a human.

Life as we may know it will be over.We have risked our lives for humanity for our only daughter, but now since she being whisked away there nothing I could live for tears started to slowly creep inside the corner of my eyes making them spill across my cheeks my husbands wiped them away quickly before Ivy saw. Kiara began to speak when I lost my posture I broke into a million pieces: "From this forth she will no longer be apart of the Knight family. She will be a blood or sex slave for our mistress." I knew those words caught Ivy attention because her head snapped at us, she saw my in my broken state. Even when she tried to comfort me I cried even more Kiara stood there emotionless as she watched the whole thing, but I knew she was breaking because vampires killed her family right in front of her and Lilith and I was there to help her cope with the changes. My love towards her and my daughter have grown throughout the years because before I had a child Kiara was like a daughter to me till she left to become a fighter for her race and Queen Lilith. Until today we raised her as a human to have a simple normal life and now I realize that she will began to resent us for keep this world and the ugly truth from her. Ivy isn't one of your rare hybrids she will possess nearly four or all elemental creature that walk forth on this earth. We found out years ago that she is special and will become a powerful leader, but if Lilith knew that my grandfather gave her family the throne to keep the threat we receive for harboring an abomination.

Lilith is naive she only wants power as her family did and we gave it to them, but as time went on the secret died with her parents and my grandfather. We no longer had any threats or had to worry about her parents spilling the beans. Lilith was like a sister to me, but if she knew that she have no rights to the throne when my daughter hit that age she will have my head on a stick I loved my daughter with everything in me and if I let her go and leave it will only result in our death. Once I was finished I hugged my daughter like my life depended on it she gasped when she felt my strength and her eyes filled with millions of questions which made me pull back. If I could protect her than I will, but I knew this was for the best I will always love my baby girl and this is the only way I know she will be safe in the confinement of our palace. Soon my family will be reunited, but I will have to find the rest of my family first that will be my mission in order to keep my daughter safe. Yesterday, I saw this coming and I left a note and a present for her birthday. She won't find it until her thirteenth birthday. Once they left my heart broke again my daughter will be okay I just hope she doesn't come into her power early.

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