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Chapter 24 *Lilith POV*

“I will hurt you for this. I don't know how yet, but give me time. A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid.”

― George R.R. Martin,




“You said the plan would work if I got Anca to reject Ivy,” Lilith said.

“Why do you care so much about this girl? I’m your true mate why are you constantly lying to break this fucking family up?” Akasha asked. I looked at Kiara and I knew they weren’t mates so that means I still have Kiara mark on me shit.

“Because Ivy and her family are the only things standing in my way of me staying queen if they live,”Lilith said.

“Babe..” Akasha didn’t finish.

“We don’t have time we have to think of another plan just meet me here at 9:30,”Lilith said as they both walked away. Kiara looked at me and I knew she regretted everything that has happened to me. When I looked at the time lunch was almost over, we made sure the coast was clear and we headed to class. The day went by faster, but I informed my mother what I had overheard and she already knew what to do. After school I just wanted to sleep until I saw Frank and Ashley talking. That why he didn’t come to lunch, but when Ashley looked at my finger she looked between the both of us and I only smiled. I gave him the ring back, but he wouldn’t accept it.


After meeting in our usual spot I could’ve sworn I smelled Ivy scent when we were talking earlier, but it wasn’t her scent I smelled it was her arousal. Who did she have sex with? No one will touch her but me and I really don’t care about Akasha at all all I want is power and Ivy is the only one that can give it to me. She will give it up or die by my hands if I have to force her I may be a vampire, but the succubus inside of me is already itching to come out and kill her. Why did they give my family the throne if they were going to take it back? It make no sense unless Lauren gave birth to Ivy which changes everything.

When I arrived home I saw Ivy speed away from the house, it looked like she was in a rush, but when I saw the blood Anca had done something wrong to make Ivy cry and cut herself. This was my opportunity I needed to get her alone so she’ll be able  to trust me. When I followed her I didn’t realize she was already being comforted by Kiara. Scar and Kiara is always there and somehow knows something wrong with which meant my earlier suspicion was correct Ivy is the my queen. I am my own queen and if she wanted this throne she’d have to go through me to get it I mean everyone has said she been improving in her fighting skill, but I’ve only seen her fight with a  gun not hand to hand combat. Since Akasha planned didn’t work I think since she mated with Kiara already should break her in more ways than anyone could ever imagine and tonight will be the night when all the plans goes into effect tonight.

The evening went by slowly than expected, but I really didn’t see much of anyone in the house except for Ivy, Frank and their kids. Even though they are my flesh and blood, but an abomination like their mother can’t be walking this earth. While I was on the roof watching the sunset I could hear Anca getting it on with some random person and this has been happening for the past few hours and now I understand why Ivy started seeing Kiara secretly, but  what get me pissed the fuck off is that Akasha continues to see her even when she know I’m her fucking mate. As soon as it hit 9:15 I made my way to the school, but somehow I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was following me and something about this didn’t seem right. When Akasha wasn’t here at 9:30I realized she must’ve been with Anca I waited till she showed, but I was already mad when she came it was already 10:15. I gave her the rundown of what was going to happen and how we’ll force Ivy hand.

“Why is Kiara involved in this I thought it was just her and her family?”

“You stupid little girl, sometimes I forget how young you are,” I mumbled. “We’ve tried nearly everything, but Kiara or Scar seem to be the way in and plus Kiara and Ivy mated a while back and she still bares Kiara mark since she didn’t mark you. And whatever happens to Kiara Ivy will pick it up through the bond they share.” I could tell Akasha didn’t like this plan at all but I saw under everything she still had feeling for her ex-fiance and Kiara. Why is she trying to protect these two so much? After about twenty minutes or so I sensed someone or lots of someones coming our way. Akasha started to freak out so I did the only logical thing I could  do I kiss her it seemed to work up until someone cleared  their throat. I spun around to see Lauren and the high council  standing there with disappointed expressions. I bowed my head to show my utmost respect to them, but I can’t believe this bitch told one me and that made my anger rise for her.

“Lilith, why are you trying to destroy the Knight family?” one of the council men asked.

“With all do respect your highness Ivy is an immediate threat to expose us to the humans. There have been situation where I had to bail her out and an unknown creature with unforsaken powers should be exterminated. One of our own has lied to us Lauren breeded the abomination that we speak of and if she not removed she will have us all extinct,” I said.

“My father was a well respected man up until his death and I can assure you that my daughter is capable of handling herself; she had just given birth to twins which are in fact her cousins; who raped a twelve year old against her will just because he couldn’t keep the incubus inside of him and for that it’s treason, but because Ivy doesn’t want her kids to grow up with a father she will not file charges. My daughter knows self restraint,” She said. I had to admit Lauren was good, but I could play a better game and I could tell the council was looking between the both of us.

“She can’t have self restraint if he mate is having sexual relation with other females and I deem them not fit to rule over us,” I stated.

“But Lilith aren't you her mate,” Lauren said.

“I am her mate, but I’m not her true mate,” I said.

“Lilith, I’m afraid Lauren is right your family has committed crimes for decades this is why we can‘t trust a word you say. You will be held as a prisoner until your trial date and those of your peers will sentence you to your punishment,” the councilman said. This women I have known since were were kids turned into a different person. That when I snapped I pinned her against the wall and sanked my teeth into her flesh, it took about fifteen men to drag me away from her lifeless body.  I knew I made the mistake to try to kill a royal in front of the council, but I am not going down without a fight which meant I needed someone to get dirt on this family. I mean even if I hadn’t tried to kill Lauren I would still have this trial and now I made it worse for myself not unless if I could get one of my friends to look in the background of Lauren family. if anything doesn’t work I will escape from this godforsaken prison and kill her myself. As they dragged me to the cells I knew one of the council man was informing her family  about what happened, but I wanted to know how the hell did she know about our plan

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