Forever Alone

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Chapter 22 *Anca POV*


“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”

Marilyn Monroe



Dear Ivy,

We were meant to have kids someday together and since you're not having kids with your “True  Mate”    I can’t be with you. I know I rejected you once , but this time its for a  good reason. You have done nothing wrong, but I can’t be the third wheel once it comes to those kids. This is hard for me , but I  Anca Stella  reject you Ivy Knight as my true mate. Before, you went into labor I was going to ask you to marry me , but I see you are well taken care of; I know you might not have a second chance at kids, but you were supposed to consider my feelings too and you never did. I love you with my soul, but I just can’t be with you right now it hurts too much.

With Love and  Care ,  

Anca Stella





Have you ever loved someone so much you’re willing to do anything to keep them safe? Even if that meant leaving them to another person? Well, that the situation I’m in. I wasn’t to fond of Ivy being around Frank this past few weeks and I know they’re having a kid and all, but she having her rapist baby and I see something extremely wrong with that. I know everyone has gotten over the fact that it wrong only to make Ivy happy and I understand she might not be able to have kids after this, but she also has to think about how she gonna tell her kids that they have two moms and a dad. After leaving Frank and Ivy to talk about god know what, but I have  an idea of what it might be Lilith pulled me aside. I know I didn’t like Lilith for the simple fact that she was my true mates first mate, but something about her made me want to keep Ivy as far away from her as possible. Before She could talk to me I lost consciousness.

I woke up coughing I can’t stand being in dusty places for too long; I know it may sound funny but I’m a vampire that doesn’t like messes especially dust and stuff. Wait, why was I here? The last thing I remember being pulled aside by Lilith and then everything went black. When it comes to one girl like Ivy there always drama and that drama is Lilith always being in our business even after she found her true mate which is crazy, but she need to let them go or just die. Yet, it was so much easier with Akasha;


As I ran through the forest, I listened for signs of my target.  Ironically, I was hunting down a Vampire named Akasha, yet I ended up being hunted. I worked with the government to keep the immortals from human territory. Oddly enough, it seemed the vampire was driving me to her living quarters, since I could see a little house a few kilometers ahead. I also was listening for signs of a trap going off, since I had set traps everywhere hours earlier.

           I took a left towards the city; I had no backup plans for if I were to go into unknown territory. Honestly, I wanted to retreat, since this was not turning out the way I wanted. Hell, there was a Vampire chasing me, for god's sake! She was getting closer and closer as I kept running faster and faster. Snap! The next thing I knew, I was being flung upwards into the air. I then realized that I had fallen into one of my own traps. I struggled to free myself, but it was futile; the rope couldn't be undone.

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