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          6 Years Later …


                   It’s been six years since the trial, six years since Kiara death, and six years since my daughter had gotten an everlasting scar. For six years I have been trying to figure out if there was another war and guess what there and it’s heading my way. Things never stay dead for long and I have a feeling that Kiara is out there somewhere waiting f us to save her and I intend on doing that as soon as I get rid of the vampires that rising against me. Time will only tell what happens next. I need help and I dreed asking her because she made my life hell for four years I just hope she can forget and forgive like I have.


                        Things are never what they seem to be when you’re dealing with new threats and lovers’ from the past and strangers that seem to be requesting your help.



What if forever isn't promised to us, what if we aren't meant to spend our eternity with one another? The fear of having wasted time and effort with the wrong person, the pain of suffering multiple severe heart breaks during the course of our existence was very real. The pain that came with fixing broken hearts repeatedly over time, the horror of the unknown, being scared of falling in love and marrying, because what the future holds is unnerving to think about, to question it, much less even look forward to; the possibilities the future may hold is constantly subject to change, meaning you would have to go through hell and back just to find or meet your soulmate, then more times than likely, find out it may include some form of bullshit or catch to accomplish true happiness with your heart's desire.

Apollyon's Pov

My life was nothing bullshit, full of disappointments and failed attempts. Up until this point, I actually thought things were showing chances of improving, but as it turns out, it simply gave a false sense of hope for something far worse that had yet to come. This has happened before, so surely I could get through this storm, too; after all, I was Apollyon Erebus Carlyle, the oldest hybrid.  

The Carlyles were my clan, housed in the Carlyle Manor, which has been around since the Middle Ages; we were supernatural hybrids whose bloodline consisted of almost every paranormal being in the world, and to identify a Carlyle, we shared a characteristic, bold grey eyes. Carlyles were able to access the abilities of others, making us feared and hated, at the same time, depending on which member of the Carlyle was in power, we were loved, not only we were able to access the abilities of others’ but once we seen another use their powers we could duplicate it and make it our own and in all reality made people fear us even more. Some Carlyles were known to be draconian lords, while others sought to benefit the serfs and slaves of the manor.

I was the only Carlyle with different eye color; they constantly changed colors, corresponding to my mood.

"Apollyon, get up ma'am, your parents require your presence." I dismissed her, and immediately took a warm bath, while the other servants picked out my attire for this evening; I headed towards my parents' study after getting dressed, styling my hair, and having breakfast. I started to think about what my parents would need to talk to me about.

"Hey mom, dad. You needed to talk to me?"

"Hun, sit down. There is no easy way to say this, but your father and I couldn't put this off any longer."

"What is it, I'm sure I can take the news."

"Well, sweetheart, truth is, we're not your biological parents, and we’re simply your cousins in the Carlyle family. Your mother is well, we're not sure how to tell you."

The color drained from my face, my parents were actually my cousins, but at least they were actually a part of the Carlyle family.

"So my mother is what? What is it about her?"

My father spoke up then. "We weren't supposed to tell you, but at this rate, we may as well tell you. Your mother is Queen Lilith, of the Underworld; two hundred years ago she was imprisoned by someone she loved dearly and many followed her to the dark side, but she never knew about you because it went against the mate bond, she doesn’t know you exist either which is why we are telling you this; you are to bring peace to our world through Queen Ivy and your mother; that is why you have unusual eyes you were to be the savior of our races.” Just as I was about to speak, there was a loud crash upstairs; the next thing I knew, we were all running for the panic room; that we had installed in the basement. On the camera, it revealed the servants scattered about, trying to get to a safety room, as well as men and women alike dressed in red and black, who we identified as hunters.

If the hunters had gotten in, it wouldn't be long before they took over, we would have to evacuate and relocate to one of our other homes. I then decided that I would find my mother Queen Lilith, one way or another. Even if it meant going to Queen Ivy and asking for her help; sometimes I wonder if Queen Ivy is the monster people say she is, I have only heard stories about her that could be rumors, but it better to find out the hard way.

          To those who’ve have read this book and stayed with me since the beginning I wanted to thank you all for your love and support but I am sad to say that Hybrid Queen is finally finished L  However if you want to follow Ivy and her friends in the sequel Comment, Vote and Message me. Thank you all so much and I am sorry I waited this long to update I’ve been dealing with issues and college but I’m back.

Help Support Hybrid Queen Sequel!   Happy New Year GUYS LOVE YOU ALL!  

Also Check out The Alpha REJECTED Assassin and look out for my new book that I will be posting shortly….

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