The Trials

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Chapter 34 *Ivy POV*

“Sometimes, you will go through awful trials in your life and then a miracle happens--God heals you. Don’t be disheartened when the people you love don’t see things like you do. There will be Pharisees in your life that will laugh it off, deny that it happened, or will mock your experience based on righteousness they think you don't possess. God won't deny you a spiritual experience because you are not a spiritual leader. He loves everyone equal. The only people that really matter in life are the people that can “see” your heart and rejoice with you.” 
Shannon L. Alder

Sometimes we stop and think about all the good and bad that has gone on in the world but we never stop to think if there was already an evil within us. Humans kill each other for revenge or pleasure so don’t you think they have a little vampire in them too. Over the years I’ve been living with Lilith I have seen what the council has nearly exposed our existence to human kind or that done something wrong. While living with Lilith I didn’t really see the council men physically until they heard my family was back for the throne but I’ve only seen them on television because they want a message to send to vampires that create catastrophic mayhem not only in our world but out there beyond the void. However, today was different I have to choose between letting Lilith go or making an example out of her but either way I know the council men are plotting something against me which is why I’m choosing to let her go. After I found out about Anca and my curse I don’t care about anything anymore with my dead heart. I really thought she would change for me at least but I was wrong she had  a family already  which pissed me the fuck off since she was having a tantrum about Frank and to think I was going to give her all of me on our honeymoon. I just hope after the trial she’ll eventually stop bothering me and leaving with Sin. I still can’t believe the council men postponed the trial on New Year’s I may not be human anymore but I still celebrate their traditions. Since I was Queen I had to wear a fluffy gown to the trial which I hated so fucking much. My mother thought it would make a good impression to our nation if they saw me in this getup; I wore a virgin white and red victorian gown with my families’ jewels and crown. I looked like a loveable clown ready to take part in a circus but little did they know I had on something under this gown.

After my mother turned me into a younger version of her I wanted to claw out my eyes; I’m not going to lie I made these retro victorian royal gowns look beautiful especially when your dead and have flawless skin. I had to be proper and have the utmost respect for the court and myself (Note to sarcasm yeah right like that ever going to happen). Sometimes my parents can be so oblivious of the people that claim to be their friends but in reality they’re trying to kill me which is why I have I have my dagger in the waistband of my stockings.  My family and I rode in a horse drawn carriage which I made a big fuss about since I wanted to ride my motorcycle. Two long fucking hours and we were finally going to arrive in the heart of the court. We were almost there but my arms grew tired from waving and for the last two hours. I still can’t believe vampire horses exist especially with the council men being snobby little brutes. I have a bad feeling about today but it’s bad enough that I don’t spend more time with my kids because of everything that has happened yet they don’t mind and that what makes me want to cry sometimes.

As we walked into the building I could feel a million eyes on us but there were 6 specific eyes that burned a hole into my soul. It was bad enough they left me broken to wallow in my black heart but I still love my kids and that as far as I would go as to coming close to giving my heart away again. I could feel Lilith gaze doing a once over but she always seem to stare at my eyes while I looked ahead. This courtroom was extremely different from the human courts I’ve been in where there was only one on the panel but I did a once over of the room and there were four exit points where people can come in and hold a stick up; the roof access and the fact that there is barely security guarding the grounds. There stood a judge with five council men who had a smug look on their face and I had a feeling something was going to happen that I wasn’t going to like any moment of it. Once my family and I took a seat the trial immediately began as the prosecuting attorney and the Lilith attorney give their opening statements I was the first to be called upon for question but unlike human courtroom we don’t have to swear to tell the truth because we have a knack for detecting a lie. I took the seat on the right of the judge I could felt as if a car just ran over my head.

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