Silent Cries

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Chapter 19 *Ivy POV*

“Lots of things can be fixed. Things can be fixed. But many times, relationships between people cannot be fixed, because they should not be fixed. You're aboard a ship setting sail, and the other person has joined the inland circus, or is boarding a different ship, and you just can't be with each other anymore. Because you shouldn't be.”

― C. JoyBell C.


        “Bullshit, you don’t get to call me anything. You cheated on my mother with a succubus that has tortured me for four damn years and now you're claiming she your true mate. You should rot in hell you low life son of a bitch,” I screamed as I ran out of the room. How is this possibly happening to me? First, I was raped, then i find out  that my dad has a mate and is cheating on my mother. Like can my life get any more fucked up. When I just about rounded the corner I felt my mothers hands on my wrist. I know I wasn’t supposed to be running, but I can’t take anymore bad new since I’m pregnant. After a minute of resting my mother broke down crying I knew Lilith was being a selfish bitch, but she didn’t have to take it out on my mother. All my life I thought I had everything that I always wanted but I’ve been wrong the only person that need to be at peace right now is my mother.While she crying I find Frank where my mother left him; he looked at me with a pained smile and I knew he was hurting some how.

        Before I could say anything I felt something wet puddle around my feet. Frank looked at me and I finally understood the message in his eyes my water just broke. He shot up with the quickness; he was out and in of the room with two sets of bags. No one was around to know what was happening. As we were driving Frank started to text my family saying I was going into labor. He wasn’t paying attention to the light without warning, the car lurched and I was thrown forward violently, the seat belt biting into my stomach and knocking the wind out of me. A truck was coming at full speed and hit my side of the dor pinning my legs closed under the dash board. There was this pain that felt like hammers pushing against my pelvis. As I screamed and cried Frank tried his best to push the dashboard off my legs, but it wouldn’t work; he constantly called the ambulance too see how far they were. After about fifty calls they finally  arrived I could see blood pooling around my legs; I started to cry I didn’t want to lose my babies. The fire department worked fast and hard for about an hour until they finally got my legs free. There was another hammering pain on my pelvis; as soon as I was in the ambulance we were off before I knew it. Since I was having twins the contractions kept coming faster and harder. Once we were in the hospital there were no nurse receptionist; I wanted to kill someone I just needed to get these kids out of me. My emotion was all over the place not only did I need my true mate here; my family played a big part in this role. Regardless if my dad is an asshole he also raised me and I needed both of them here for moral support.

Immediately after I had my third contraction a nurse came in to take me into the emergency room. Frank was nowhere in sight and I started to panic if my family wasn’t here I only needed him because these are his children. I picked out the names and everything if it a girl its Ivory Marie Knight and if it a boy Xavier Mitchell Knight after his father's great-great grandfather.When we rounded the corner I saw Frank  talking to my doctor. They both came at me with the quickness; Dr. Robinson rushed us into the delivery room.

“I need you to get these babies out of me now,” I screamed. Frank was sweating bullets when they started prepping me for labor. Ugh I wish Anca was here to take the stress away; even though she doesn’t like the fact that I’m having my rapist baby she has to understand that  I might not have another chance like this.  A song that reminded me of the situation between Anca and I was problem by Ariana Grande:

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