Family Outing

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Chapter 28 *Ivy POV*

“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.”

― Pablo Neruda

“You’re an hour early,” Kiara said. Asshe leaped off the roof and landed in a crouch on the pavement. “We have plenty of time to work out go eat or something I don’t want to see you faint on me when I kick your ass.”

“Don’t be a sore loser it not my fault you get your ass handed to you all the time when we train. Stop complaining and worrying about your ego if you want to beat me put your pride aside and fight like you mean it,” I said. We did some stretching before we went back to our normal training routine.

Kiara and I faced off on the wooden dance floor of the bar.  The area was wide enough for the two of them to fight and not hurt others.I leapt, drawing my feet up beneath me, As the seven-foot quarter staff smashed into Liliths flagstones where I had been standing a half a second before. Landing in a crouch, I sprang back up, groaning with the effort, and swung my own weapon over my head so that it would strike Kiara.

“Don’t hold back or I am going to break you.” Kiaraa snarled at me.

I shrugged my shoulders, smiled, and slowly brought one foot behind my back.  I put my weight on it and brought an open palm up, “Wait.” I said, I took off my shirt because I knew I was going to be sweating all over the place after training today.

        Sweat dripped into my eye, blinding me for one stinging second before my reflexes and instincts took over and forced me into motion. A shaft of light from the woods illuminated the oaken staff as I arced it down towards my opponents  leg. She swept sideways, sending my weapon flying through the air. It crashed with a wooden clang against the stone walls behind me. Defenseless, I scrambled for a sword that laid a few feet away. But before I could grab it, I was snatched off my feet in a powerful grasp and crushed against my assailant’s chest. She held me a few inches off the ground as I kicked and flailed, adrenaline pumping like silver nitrate through my body. “Don’t be such a sore loser, Ivy,” chided Kiara. Leaning forward, she tried  to give me a kiss until I took the opportunity to strike. My left hand took out my dagger hidden in my belt and drew the first blood. She looked at me with so much pride another emotion shimmered through her eyes. But the fight wasn’t over yet I knew she was going to try and take advantage of our situation so I moved far away from her. With everything that has happened in the last few months I needed this badly and since Scar was away on business Kiara was the only one that knew how to fight.

Sweat dripped into my eye, blinding me for one stinging second before my reflexes and instincts took over and forced me into motion. A shaft of light from the woods illuminated the oaken staff as I arced it down towards my opponents  leg. She swept sideways, sending my weapon flying through the air. It crashed with a wooden clang against the stone walls behind me. Defenseless, I scrambled for a sword that laid a few feet away. But before I could grab it, I was snatched off my feet in a powerful grasp and crushed against my assailant’s chest. She held me a few inches off the ground as I kicked and flailed, adrenaline pumping like silver nitrate through my body. “Don’t be such a sore loser, Ivy,” chided Kiara. Leaning forward, she tried  to give me a kiss until I took the opportunity to strike. My left hand took out my dagger hidden in my belt and drew the first blood. She looked at me with so much pride another emotion shimmered through her eyes. But the fight wasn’t over yet I knew she was going to try and take advantage of our situation so I moved far away from her. With everything that has happened in the last few months I needed this badly and since Scar was away on business Kiara was the only one that knew how to fight.

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