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Chapter 33 *Emily POV*

“Was it the act of giving birth that made you a mother? Did you lose that label when you relinquished your child? If people were measured by their deeds, on the one hand, I had a woman who had chosen to give me up; on the other, I had a woman who'd sat up with me at night when I was sick as a child, who'd cried with me over boyfriends, who'd clapped fiercely at my law school graduation. Which acts made you more of a mother? Both, I realized. Being a parent wasn't just about bearing a child. It was about bearing witness to its life.” ― Jodi Picoult,

Some of you may not know my background but I like to keep it that way. I was turned at the age of fifteen because I was stupid enough to run away in the middle of the night to get away from my parents, but I ran into something far more dangerous than my abusive parents. I would never forget that night I was dragged away from my town by an old vampire; he raped me repeatedly until I finally broke and committed suicide. At the time I didn’t think he would have planned this, but he wanted me to commit suicide so he could turn me into his little pet and bride. If only he knew I was only attracted to women. After he converted me I made a promise to never be that weak girl again so I killed my master and ran. My whole world change when I ran into  Queen Lilith; I was fixated on her beauty I didn’t comprehend what happened, but I knew I was safe with her. That same day I told her everything of what  happened to me excluding the part where I killed my master. She marked me as her and I was happy to have a home and a beautiful girlfriend. These events have led me to be the bitch I am today cold and ruthless.

Have you ever wondered why things happen the way they do? Well if that the case we’re on the same boat. Sometimes I would wonder what my life would be like if I met my true mate, but then I think about all the things that I went through with Lilith and I knew it wasn’t it. Love can’t be chosen by someone else; we create love through our mind, body and soul. Lilith did love me at some point before that snobby bitch came around and ruined my relationship. I’ve hated Ivy since the day that I saw her, I mean I knew she was a vampire because no ordinary vampire or human has gray eyes. Maybe I was jealous of her at first because she was beautiful and mainly attracted all types of crazy, but I hated her because she  got Lilith to break up with me. I was so mad, Lilith never found out that I was pregnant with her child just because she wanted Ivy to be hers’. No one knew how I felt and I remember the day like it was yesterday and I regret giving my baby up for adoption. Ivy caused me so much pain the bitch got what she deserved at her wedding. I miss my baby Apollyon.



I was on my way to do my usual check up with the doctor to see if I could breed a child, but I know the doctor says its impossible, but I have faith.Lately I haven’t been moving as fast as I used to and I thought I caught some type of virus that only made to kill vampire. Since I’m only a made vampire I can die easily then born vampires. Sometimes I wish that I was pregnant so Lilith can see that she can’t even be with her mate when she has a child on the way. Waiting for   this doctor is like waiting for a call you’ve been waiting for; for two days. When he finally called my name I was happy that I would get out of here a lot faster than the ones that was after me. He ran a few test leaving me inside the examination room; after thirty minutes he came back with a blank stare.

“You’re Pregnant,” the doctor said.

“That impossible I’m not a born vampire,” I said.

“I know you’re turned, but because Lilith and you mated before she found her mate, the bond grew stronger which forced you too into a fixed mate,” he said. How could I not know that I was pregnant and in my second trimester. It could explain why i’ve been really lazy, but I was a turned vampire how can I get pregnant; unless she was a mate to this forbidden queen. I was excited to tell Lilith that we were going to have a child; I truly loved Lilith I just hope she accepts her daughter. On my way to the kingdom I had a bad feeling about this, but I decided to tell her anyway. When I arrived to the house I knew something was going on.

“How in the hell did I get a human as a mate,” Lilith whispered. She was so oblivious to the fact that Ivy was more than meets the eye. I walked in on her while she was talking to herself; she didn’t notice me until I cleared my throat. What the hell is happening to her?

“I am sorry, but I can’t do this right now. I know we’ve been through our ups and downs; I found my mate and being with you just confusing me,” she said. I was hurting all over not just for me, but for my unborn child. I knew who was her mate and I didn’t want to believe it; I hated Ivy she made the only person I ever loved reject me and my child; I hope she get what she deserves.


“Emily, I need you to push for me; don’t forget to breath. I am going to count down for you ok. One, Two, Three PUSH,” Dr. Parker said. As I pushed It felt like a part of my soul was being ripped from me, but much worse; I stopped to breath and pushed again. “Emily, you’re doing great, but I can see a head and I need you to give me a BIG PUSH. One, Two, Three, PUSH. As I pushed with all my might my body felt like it was on fire. I heard the most wonderful sound in the world; the cries of my baby. Not only was I crying, but I had to push again. “It’s a girl,” she said, I wish Lilith was here to see the birth of her daughter.

After I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Apollyon. I knew I couldn’t raise my daughter as my own, so I gave her to Liliths cousins. I knew they would care for her like I could never do. I hope Lilith never finds out about my baby; since she wanted that sad excuse of a pet as her bride then so be it. Life couldn’t be do dull right now.

End of Flashback:

I didn’t realize I was crying until I felt something drip onto my arm. Ivy made me give up the one thing that meant the world to me; something that I wouldn’t get again until my true mate found me. I miss my baby girl and I do check up on her from time to time, but I can’t bring myself up to tell her that I’m her mother and I gave her away because your mother rejected me. I was surprised when Ivy called me saying the trial was in session for tomorrow and I knew this was the perfect time to get back at this bitch once and for all. Since her true mate left her for her ex-wife I’m kind of curious of what she might say on Lilith behalf. After that day I overheard them in the cells I knew they had some sort of affection for each other even though she denied it. What if I sent Anca the voice recording of her beloved mate and her torture? I found the original audio and made two copies just in case I needed to play it in front of the council; I sent the first copy of the audio to Anca; oh sweet revenge. I pulled out my phone and called the one person that always liked getting his hands dirty.

“Hello,” some guy answered.

“Let me speak with Eric Lebeau and tell him its Emily,” I said.

“You finally graced me with your presence,” Eric mumbled.

“I don’t want to have small talk, I called you to talk about business,” I said. “Recently this girl had taken something dearly from me and I want revenge. I need you to kidnap Ivory Knight and Xavier Knight by tomorrow at midnight.”

“Tell me why should I kidnap two innocent children if it the mother that did this to you,” he said. Gosh he was annoy.

“You will get compensated for every man that dies and I need you to torture them and make their mother watch,” I said.

“As you wish,” he said.

“And forget I ever called you,” I said as I chucked the burned phone in the river. Ivy you have another thing coming if you think you’ll win this upcoming war. Not a lot of people have notice, but since the wedding a lot of Lilith follows have started a war against the new queen. Some say she fit to be queen without her mate, but others say otherwise. They believe that Lilith would do a far better job and in truth Lilith has been running this kingdom for centuries now.  I knew Lilith would never want to kill her mate, but Lilith would do anything for power which means she would lead the underworld to victory against the queen. What Ivy doesn’t know about the prophecy won't hurt her especially since Lilith is supposed to be the queen of the underworld. By this time tomorrow all hell will break loose and Ivy won’t be able to stop it.

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