The True Mate

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As I ran through the forest, I listened for signs of my target. Ironically, I was hunting down a Vampire named Akasha, yet I ended up being hunted. I worked with the government to keep the immortals from human territory. Oddly enough, it seemed the vampire was driving me to her living quarters, since I could see a little house a few kilometers ahead. I also was listening for signs of a trap going off, since I had set traps everywhere hours earlier.

I took a left towards the city; I had no backup plans for if I were to go into unknown territory. Honestly, I wanted to retreat, since this was not turning out the way I wanted. Hell, there was a Vampire chasing me, for god's sake! She was getting closer and closer as I kept running faster and faster. Snap! The next thing I knew, I was being flung upwards into the air. I then realized that I had fallen into one of my own traps. I struggled to free myself, but it was futile; the rope couldn't be undone.

The vampire finally caught up, and as she caught sight of me, she chuckled to herself and said, "well, well, well, what do we have here? Awwe the little hunter got caught in her own trap, didn't she?" I was annoyed with how she was toying with me, then said, "Fuck you, I'm not so little, it's funny how you are spending time chasing after somebody like me."

Her: "Ooh, that's how you feel, huh? It sure was a good little chase you gave me, making me work up an appetite like that. You ought to be ashame of yourself."

She chuckled as I let the darkness take over my consciousness. When I came to, I saw that I was not suspended in the air. Strangely enough, I was in a bed, but it wasn't my bed. Where was I? I sat up to look around. Lo and behold, there was the vampire.

Her: "Oh look who's up now. Bout time you woke up.."

Me: "What the hell is going on?! Why am I here of all places?!"

Her: "Be grateful--"

Me: "Me, grateful? You must be kidding me!"

I started to get out the bed, but my attempts failed, as the vampire overpowered me by pinning me down. She had tied my wrists to the bed!

Her: "Now you're going to stay there."

At this point, I was disappointed at how I became bait for a predatory being. I should have been more careful when I took on the task of hunting this vampire. The only reason I became a hunter, was to fill this void I felt, this emptiness, like I was missing an important fact about myself. I felt like some part of me was missing.

I tried to listen for when the vampire would come, so I would be prepared to take a run for it when she untied me. That was, until she came back, wearing this outfit and carrying all sorts of tools with her. My efforts at untying myself became more frantic as she came closer to me.

Her: "You are to quit that damn incessant noise. Forget any chance of escaping; you are now my servant eternally."

Me: "Hell mothafucking no! What kinda shit are you on, making me your damned servant? You'll learn when I get free."

Akasha: "Oh really now? That is a really foolish thought there. It would be my pleasure to teach you otherwise. You honestly think I'm that dumb? That's where you're wrong"

Akasha looked at me, then put the tools where she could reach them, all the while chuckling at the state I was in. She then turned my head, to get a look at my neck. Vampires! I knew what was going to happen then, and I couldn't even stop it. She leaned in, pinning me to where I couldn't move, and bit into my neck, drinking as I was trembling with fear. It didn't last long. She had come to a realization.

Akasha: "Oh my. You're Anca ."

Me: "What the fuck are you talking about? Who's Anca? My name is.."

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