The Future and Present

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Chapter 10 *Ivy POV*


End of the line. One last stop. Though I’d heard it described as “underground,” Scar was loath to call the last round of the fight anything close to that since it took place under the schools territory.

Packed with promoters, gamblers, fans of all types, the only man and women she found honorable of the whole bunch was her opponent, who stood at the edge opposite her own with his sword glinting in the late evening city sun. This was crazy. Mr. Johnson knew it. Crazy didn’t mean the two remaining swords on the ground her, a broadsword and her opponent’s, a thin curved hook blade hadn’t spilled a lot of blood today. Both blades looked almost pink in the dying light. Her eye made brief contact with her opponent, who only smirked at her. She didn’t want to admit the name that got her on the edge, but it had. One after the other students started to fall until it was me and her. She looked at me with so much hate I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t even know her.

“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.” The fat announcer man stepped between us while Mr. Johnson was in the crowd making bets. What I  wouldn’t have given to open his belly, instead. “BEGIN.”

And we were off. The crowd shied back as I the opponent, with youth and lean muscle, leapt catlike from the ledge, waving the hooked blade in figure eights multiple times before touching down on the solid ground again. Scar didn’t smile. Being with the queen and dating a warrior has it benefits. This time, she made sure to make eye contact. For a brief moment, she could see uncertainty in my eyes. She felt grateful for the advantage.

Advancing. Advancing. I charged at her with the hooked blade upheld, going to her foreswing and following it with a backswing. Scar dodged the first and met the second with her broadsword. The weight of the thing sent my blade back, back, back…but not far enough to knock the blade free of his hands. Striking. This arcing shot sliced the fabric of my shirt at the midsection. It missed the flesh behind it by perhaps a centimeter.

I staggered. Scar swung. Her broadsword missed, though not close enough to eat fabric. I managed another smirk, this time at the spryness of my dodge. Scar had to admit it was impressive, but this time, the sight only made her angrier.


“First, Akasha take her from me now you! Your scrawny piece of shit you may be faster than me and we are tied, but you will never be better than me. Anca love me not you! I will kill you in front of everyone if its the last thing I do. Mark my words: I’M COMING FOR YOU!” She said.


“I am better than you and for your information Anca is my “TRUE MATE” NOT YOURS! You might as well look the other way because you will not be winning this fight,” I said. Mr. Johnson knew that Anca was Scars ex girlfriend yet they still brought me here. Scar was enraged.


She Swung. Swung. Swung. The first two missed badly, but the third, a backswing off the one before it, found flesh. The heavy broadsword ate through me  as easily as air. When she struck me my whole being began to change. My eyes turn darker than ever before. My skin paled. Talons grew from my nails, darker veins appeared through my entire region, but I looked like the vampires in Vampire Diaries, and although my teeth never changes, the most monstrous sound my ears have ever heard escaped my thin white shapeless lips. Worse than any sound any creature could make, more piercing than the caw of an hawk, more bone rattling than the roar of a tiger and more terrifying than any sounds your nightmares could ever conjure. I took one step and leaped into the air, I took down as many fallens as possible they were my subjects and I needed to protect them from these hunters but it all stopped the fallen started to advance and catch my warriors by surprise and I wasn’t going to have this I killed nearly all the fallen except for the two that submitted to me. Is this some type premonition?

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