Unjust Laws

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Chapter 27 *Ivy POV*


“Fuck You for cheating on me. Fuck you for reducing it to the word cheating. As if this were a card game, and you sneaked a look at my hand. Who came up with the term cheating, anyway? A cheater, I imagine. Someone who thought liar was too harsh. Someone who thought devastator was too emotional. The same person who thought, oops, he’d gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Fuck you. This isn’t about slipping yourself an extra twenty dollars of Monopoly money. These are our lives. You went and broke our lives. You are so much worse than a cheater. You killed something. And you killed it when its back was turned.”

― David Levithan


“I’m sorry to interrupt, but Ivy there are things that need to be taken care of now,” I said as I tried to walked out of the room, but walked into her door which hurt like a bitch. I can’t believe I saw my baby sister naked on my god my eyes are scared for life and I can’t look at her anymore. Sometimes I wish I had found my mate when my grandparents were ruling over the supernatural, but because of the threats I was absorb in my work and protecting my family I forgot that without a mate we can easily cease to exist and regardless if I made that pact to the council I need to find my mate. I’ve been waiting for Ivy for about an hour like what the hell can be taken her so long and I could understand a quicky but I need to talk to her before they come. Ivy finally came down , but I was paying close attention to her neck what the hell is she thinking. The mark her mate gave her started to form around her back and I knew the elders needed to know but she my sister I’m going to protect her as best as I can.

“As you may know Lilith is out for your head and since the council had to intervene investigating our family because Lilith told the council that your true mate rejected/ cheated on you and they think you’re not fit to become a queen. They don’t know about the kids, but if they find out that you were raaped they could pin it on Lilith saying they put him up to it and there are a few options but you won’t like them at all. You could tell them you were raped, hand my niece and nephew, or sacrifice the parents and I don't want neither of the  two to happen so I think you should tell them what exactly happened that night. Plus without your true mate things are going to get complicated when the council is here,” I explained.

“I knew all damn day what Lilith was planning on doing to me and my family and just because your a council member doesn't mean you get to try and protect me just because you know what good for me. I will not destroy my family and I will lie to them tomorrow saying since I was a lesbian he was kind enough to donate his sperm. Just because you don’t like him doesn’t mean you can hurt your niece and nephew they need their father since i'm in a relationship with my mate. And as for Anca I will tell them the truth and they can’t take my birth right from me even if they killed me with their bare hands,” She hissed. I watched as my baby sister left without looking at me and it broke my heart I knew the what would happen if I told her, but I wanted to protect my family even if that meant hurting my family. This is another reason as to why she shouldn’t have told me that and that because I can’t keep anything from them and since I cut out the part about the rape, I knew I would have hell to pay when they find out what I did. Ugh I’m screwed either way fuck it my family need me right now since I was MIA over the past years.


Never have I felt so despondent…

Eyes that behold tragedy and …my heart is unresponsive

Thoughts of unbreakable passion has corroded and now seems… so redundant

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