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Chapter 13 *Ivy POV*

“Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.” ― Louise Erdrich,


I felt a pair of hands on my waist then, and jumped at the sensation. Turning quickly, it wasn’t jack this time, but a man around his early to late 20s. I couldn’t comprehend what the hell he was actually saying but I caught small words “home” Why was I going home? Oh My God! Lilith or Kiara bitch asses found me. FUCK MY LIFE! I normally never get drunk off of nine drinks unless someone put something in my drink.  We arrive what looked to be home, but something didn’t feel right and I wasn't myself to actually walk. “Get out of the car and and don't say a word, got it?” I nodded dryly, too overwhelmed by what was about to happen. Will Lilith drink from me? My Life is Over! “three strike and you're out kid” he dragged me roughly leaving an imprint of his hand upon my wrist. WHAT IS HAPPENING? It’s bad enough that I’m drunk and I’m forced to come home. I was in and out of reality.

“I want you to be a slut for me…” he whispered in my ear lingering seductively as if he was trying to get me to make the first move, then realization hit me I was about to get rape and he wanted me to make the first move? I kicked him hard where the sun doesn’t shine and struggled to my feet. Even when I was drunk I ran the fastest speed I could muster without tripping and falling, but it clearly wasn’t enough as the stranger soon caught up to me “YOU WHORE!” he screamed slapping me forcefully across my cheek and dragged me back in locking the door. “Now where were we?” he smirked venomously pulling me towards him, the scent of alcohol and tobacco hit me like a ton of bricks “P-please don’t” I squirmed underneath him “You’ve been a bad girl, a VERY bad girl” he whispered pulling at the hem of my dress, sliding his finger across my chest towards my back and towards my bra strap. I felt so dirty right now I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror after I let myself get raped. I looked at the stranger whom I found out to be George asleep.


Waking up from the same dream drenched in sweat and screaming three nights a row has gotten me scared shitless. Scar was nice enough to say that she was sorry, but that weird pull I had towards her made me feel safe. After the rape I’ve been practicing and training non-stop Kiara been badgering about what happened and I would push myself harder because I don’t ever want that to happen again. Kiara knocked on my door telling me to meet her downstairs. Instead of using staff, we’re going to use swords. Yet, she wanted me to start off the way I did before.

I leapt, drawing my feet up beneath me, As the seven-foot quarter staff smashed into Liliths flagstones where I had been standing a half a second before. Landing in a crouch, I sprang back up, groaning with the effort, and swung my own weapon over my head so that it would strike Kiara. Sweat dripped into my eye, blinding me for one stinging second before my reflexes and instincts took over and forced me into motion. A shaft of light from the woods illuminated the oaken staff as I arced it down towards my enemy’s(Kiara) leg. She swept sideways, sending my weapon flying through the air. It crashed with a wooden clang against the stone walls behind me. Defenseless, I scrambled for a sword that laid a few feet away. But before I could grab it, I was snatched off my feet in a powerful grasp and crushed against my assailant’s chest. She held me a few inches off the ground as I kicked and flailed, adrenaline pumping like silver nitrate through my body.

“Don’t be such a sore loser, Ivy,” chided Kiara. Leaning forward, she tried  to give me a kiss until I took the opportunity to strike. My left hand took out my dagger hidden in my belt and drew the first blood. She looked at me with so much pride another emotion shimmered through her eyes. She crushed her lips upon mines. My mind started to pull up images from the nightclub, my whole entire being started to tremor. Images started to cross my mind, but I knew this wasn’t Frank, but the thought of getting raped again left me defenseless.

“Don’t let your enemy know your weakness, Kiara,” The fact that she was only in a sports bra was quickly eroding my hard won concentration. And the warmth from her bare skin and arms are turning my fight tense muscles to buttery goo. Struggling to maintain my resolved, I growled. What the hell was I thinking she had the audacity to cheat on me before we even broke up like WHAT THE FUCK!

“You’ve gotten better, but i’ll refrain from not being obvious in your final strike,” She said. “But you need to be a bit more flexible with your hold roll with the movement.”

” When she  saw that I had mastered the sequence, she straightened. “Well, that good enough for swords and quarterstaff today. Do you want to move to something more strenuous? Throwing stars, perhaps?”

I held my hands up in surrender, still panting from the exercise. “That enough fight training for today. Thanks, Kiara.”

“As you wish, my dear.” She pulled a rubber band from behind her head, releasing her porcupine hair. “You  definitely have natural talent,”

she continued, as she returned the weapons to their hooks on the walls of the gym slash armory,” since you’re doing this well after just a few lessons. But you do need to work on your stamina.” I looked at Kiara and even though she cheated on me with her “TRUE MATE” there will always be that love that won’t go away without time. I have a few days off since the principle knew about the rape before it happened which made me think that Scar told her.

Hybrid Queen (Under Construction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora