Who You Are

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Chapter 17 *Ivy POV*


“Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

― Barack Obama



“I know you're having my child forcefully and unwillingly, but I wanted to let you know if you need anything just give me a call. I want to be apart of my child life,” I said. She smiled and started to speak until Lilith and the brunette came out.

“That your child?” sneered Lilith “I should have known,”

Lilith rant was cut off from the brunette. “You fucked him!” she yelled. I could tell Ivy needed some rest, she looked like she was about to drop at any second.

“Anca, it wasn’t like that,”  Ivy said,

“I knew I was right for rejecting you,” Anca mumbled. I could see that Ivy was hurting and before I could say anything she slapped Anca across the face.

“How could you accuse me of adultery?” Ivy said. “You want to know the bloody truth, when I ran from Kiara and Lilith I went to a club to try and get my mind off the fact that I am stupid enough to accept you after everything that happened and got raped. Why do you think I always chose to keep my distance? It too late to abort the baby. I carrying my rapist child and I have to live with that forever, you have no right to fucking accuse me when you whore yourself around. You are my “TRUE MATE” and I gave you a chance after you bloody fucking rejected me. I don’t need you or them I can take care of myself. You will never feel the pain I’m going through; You wasn’t taken away from your home and forced to be a sex-slave, I was and I will never have a normal life,” She cried for what seemed to be hours until she passed out.



There I was. Standing outside what used to be the brightest and most peaceful place I knew. The neighborhood I spent only a few short years of my life in, the house that held so many memories was only just a mirror. I knew it wasn't a dream, but a nightmare. It was no where in between, as if I was apart of a world that I never knew existed. The house was a creamy white texture, which blended with the rest of the pastel colored houses in the neighborhood. After waiting outside for about four minutes, I noticed there was someone inside my house. I began slowly walking towards the front door. With each and every step I took, I realized the grass started to fade away losing its color and the paint of the house started to crumble. I was now a few steps away from opening the door, but everything around me had been completely ensnared into the everlasting darkness. Inside my safe haven stood my parents and a stranger. When I looked directly at my parents their eyes were filled with sadness and that when I knew something was extremely wrong. As I stood before my parents and this hot stranger I wasn't aware that the girl had spoken. Her voice was melody to my ears "From this forth she will no longer be apart of the Knight family. She will be a blood or sex slave for our mistress." Those words immediately caught my attention. I began waving my arms in desperation and gasping for air, this cannot be happening to me, I thought. Then reality struck there was no one there to help me. I was just spinning in an extreme darkness of an abyss, not sure where I was or where I was going. Yet, I was only eight years old when I became a slave.Everyone experience pain. Everybody has gotten abused once in a while or not at all. But Emotional pain is the easiest and it can kill you. The one that would leave a grown man crying because his love just died. A pain  that will burn your heart and cripple you. A pain that makes you want to sleep and never want to wake up ever again. A pain that leaves tears in your eyes. Not everyone can experience it. Not everyone can deal with it. The strongest people cry. The strongest people don’t hide the pain from the outside world. The week ones that bullies others for being strong. The weak ones can’t handle the pain. The darkness was  my pain and my enemy as they showed me my past leading up to now. My baby, I need to wake up now I can’t have fallen asleep this long. How long have I been asleep? I need to leave.

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