Stuck in Prison

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Chapter 29 *Lilith POV*


“The preachers and lecturers deal with men of straw, as they are men of straw themselves. Why, a free-spoken man, of sound lungs, cannot draw a long breath without causing your rotten institutions to come toppling down by the vacuum he makes. Your church is a baby-house made of blocks, and so of the state....The church, the state, the school, the magazine, think they are liberal and free! It is the freedom of a prison-yard.”       -Henry D. Thoreau


 Have you ever wondered why things happen for a reason? No, well life is given to us and can be easily taken away just as quickly as it was give, but we take life for granted. There comes a time in everyone's life where there always a decision to make whether its a good one or bad one and right now I think this is a better choice. The things I do for these council members; they wanted this abomination gone years ago and I don’t knows why their dead set on defending this tramp.

Now I’m stuck in this god forsaking cell with no contact to the outside world because of Ivy mother. Ever since I got here which was about two months ago I’ve been gathering people that killed Ivy grandfather decades  ago. Some still think that Ivy should be sentenced to death because of her parents, but others think that maybe she would make a decent ruler since her grandfather wanted to destroy all werewolves. When you think about it vampire are stronger and faster whereas werewolves have to be fast in their animal form and I for one did agree with Ivy grandfather on that all werewolves should be exterminated permanently.

What I don’t get is why are the council men still on my side after everything that happened and then I realized that they found out my cousin raped Ivy. Ivy and her parents doesn’t realize I control the world and they still follow me and I have two people working to get me out of here before or after the trial. My true mate hasn’t come to see since I was locked up in this loony bin with these fucking retards, but I have my suspicion that they would follow Akasha if she went to see me. I have two mates and I really don’t care about Akasha the only one I've been fighting for is Ivy and I will win her heart regardless if I have to kill my cousins kids to get to her. Ivy doesn’t know what coming her way and I know what will bring her to me. As you can see Anca is a part of my little plan and before the trial it will bite her in the ass.

I have known for a while that Anca has a family already out of the mate bond and I know she hasn’t told Ivy because she doesn’t want to hurt her again. This reunion will drive Ivy to either postpone the trial or withdraw her statement either way I will have her unless Akasha told them what I was planning and ruined the whole plan. One of the guards that works for me walks towards my cell. He looks around before giving me the new about Ivy.

“I was just informed that Ivy and Anca are engaged; they’re planning to have their wedding after the trial is over,” he says.

“Interesting go inform Anca current wife that she is planning on getting married to my true mate in a matter of months. You will inform Anca wife in about a week.” I said. “I need you to break into the castle to take this note to Ivy leave it in her kids baby book. There will be a wooden door underneath the third window on your left and make sure you don’t get caught there will be  guards everywhere. You are dismissed,”

Anca think she could get married without getting a divorce; she has another thing coming if she going to marry Ivy when her family is thousands miles away looking for her. I wasn’t able to sleep because I knew Ivy had gotten my note, but somehow I knew this day  would be eventful if I didn’t play along until my plan was a complete success.

Earlier that morning while I was in a middle of a game one of the guards informed me I had a visitor waiting for me in my cell. I couldn’t keep the smile from spreading across my face and I knew she was here.As the guard escorted me to my cell I became nervous what if she thought I was going to kill her; and then an idea pop into my head. I looked at my mate and I felt longing and desire coming from her. The guard left about twenty minutes ago when I made no move to enter my cell.

Hybrid Queen (Under Construction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें