Lost But Never Forgotten

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Chapter 20 *Frank POV*

“To be the father of growing daughter and son is to understand something of what Yeats evokes with his imperishable phrase 'terrible beauty.' Nothing can make one so happily exhilarated or so frightened: it's a solid lesson in the limitations of self to realize that your heart is running around inside someone else's body. It also makes me quite astonishingly calm at the thought of death: I know whom I would die to protect and I also understand that nobody but a lugubrious serf can possibly wish for a father who never goes away.”

― Christopher Hitchens,


“I need you to get these babies out of me now,” I screamed. Frank was sweating bullets when they started prepping me for labor. Ugh I wish Anca was here to take the stress away; even though she doesn’t like the fact that I’m having my rapist baby she has to understand that  I might not have another chance like this.

After I had my little moment I knew that it was time; I know I can’t do this without my family, but they are taking forever and my body just can’t take the pain. “Ivy, I need you to push for me; don’t forget to breath. I am going to count down for you ok. One, Two, Three PUSH,” Dr. Robinson said. As I pushed It felt like taking a shit, but much worse; I stopped to breath and pushed again. “Ivy, you’re doing great, but I can see a head and I need you to give me a BIG PUSH. One, Two, Three, PUSH. As I pushed with all my might my body felt like it was on fire. I heard the most wonderful sound in the world; the cries of my baby. Not only was I crying, but I had to push again. “It’s a boy,” he said, Frank looked so happy that he had a boy I knew that they would have a connection. Dr. Robinson signaled me to push again, but this time got harder; with every push my heart monitor decreased. As I pushed and did my breathing exercises I knew my family had arrived except for Anca. Knowing this fact I pushed harder and my baby girl was here.

“What are you going to name them?” Dr. Robinson asked as my family started to pile in the room one by one. I looked from them to Frank and smiled.

“ Ivory Marie Knight and Xavier Mitchell Knight,” I said. My parents looked at me with so much pride, but I could see Lilith clinging to my father like her life depended on it. She wasn’t straight though and I could remember all those time she tried to get me to have sex  with me in the beginning. Why is he going to leave the person he was in love with for five hundred years and has a child with her? That make no type of sense to me even though I am only twelve I know what it like to be in that predicament. The mother that raised me didn’t need to have this so much stress in her life after having to deal with a twelve year old daughter that has twins.

“Where is Anca?” I asked.  My mother looked at me with sad eyes and I finally understood what was happening she left me because I was having my rapist baby. My mother gave me a note which was addressed to me and I knew it was Anca writing. As everyone was leaving Frank promised everything was going to be ok. When he left with the twins my feelings were everywhere. I opened the note slowly because I didn’t want to face the rejection again;


Something seemed off after we left Ivy to read that note; I mean I know her mate didn’t like that fact she was having her rapist baby, but I think Lilith had something to do with this charade. After finding out that Lilith had two mates and she only wanted Ivy made me suspicious of this whole thing. Today was a happy day for me not only did I get to be a father, but I’m a father to twins. I wanted to cry, but I needed to be a man. Ivy had my kids forcefully, but I’m glad she did; I know I messed up in the past, but I have kids and they will be the one thing that keep me going. There no better song to describe how I  feel Happy by Pharrell Williams

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