The Revelation

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Chapter 16 *Frank POV*


“In the end that was the choice you made, and it doesn't matter how hard it was to make it. It matters that you did.”


― Cassandra Clare,



“Can I talk to you for a minute?” I said. “Look, I’m sorry about what happened after the club. I couldn’t control my need for an essence,”

“You don’t have to live with that for the rest of your life,” she whispered. I looked at her in confusion. “Why are you apologizing?”

“Because I wanted to say sorry for what I did; I had no control of my inner beast,” I said. She looked at her stomach and then at me; I could tell that she was asking herself a million question. “I’m an Incubus I can go for months without feeding and I took that out on you sorry once again.”

Her eyes showed so many emotions, but one of them was understanding. “I know you might not care, but just to let you know I’m pregnant,” she said. Those two words that changed my life. She was having my kid, but unwillingly. I looked at her with so much sorrow I needed to be alone for a while. I ran out the palace as fast as I could and I felt her stare as I was nearly covered by the woods. She having her rapist child. I’m going to be a father. I cried for what seemed to be ages until I came back to my senses. I was going to make it up to her no matter what I had to do.


Yesterday was one of the hardest days of my life; when I found out she was pregnant with my child I regretted everything I did. I had to tell my brother what happened because I needed some advice more than ever. I wish mom and dad were still alive. When I walked into the house I could feel my brother energy which meant he was feeding. After forty-five minutes had passed he came downstairs and sat in front of me.

“What happened you looked like you’ve seen a ghost?”  Mark asked.

“Remember your birthday?” I whispered.

“You left with a beauty,” he said. “How could I not forget?”

“She Lilith sex-slave and I got her p-p-p-pregnant,” I mumbled.

“Man your in deep shit,” he said. “How could you let yourself slip?”

“No shit sherlock, I didn’t realize I released I wasn’t in control,” I said.

“Lilith, will kill you once she finds out,” he stated.

“No she won’t she has too many slaves in her house,” I said. Mark looked at me with so much pride and understanding I knew he got that trait from dad. I know I messed up but I’m going to set it straight and I wasn’t alone this time. We were on the road heading towards our cousin when I felt a stabbing sensation against my heart and I knew my mate mated with someone else. Even though it pissed me the fuck off I needed to take care of family business. Once we arrived I could sense all of them training even Ivy. Before I could knock Ivy opened the door to reveal me and my brother.

“Mark?!” she said. He looked at her and smiled. I scowled at him. WHAT THE HELL! “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here with my brother,” he said. She finally looked at me and i could see so many emotions swimming in her eyes I wanted to break down again. When she started to head down the hall I grabbed her by the arm. I knew she was terrified, but I guess she knew I wasn’t here to harm her. I could tell she didn’t tell anyone about the rape except for Scar who knew everything before it happens. Mark left us a while ago.

“I know you're having my child forcefully and unwillingly, but I wanted to let you know if you need anything just give me a call. I want to be apart of my child life,” I said. She smiled and started to speak until Lilith and the brunette came out.

“That your child?” sneered Lilith “I should have known,”

Lilith rant was cut off from the brunette. “You fucked him!” she yelled. I could tell Ivy needed some rest, she looked like she was about to drop at any second.

“Anca, it wasn’t like that,”  Ivy said,

“I knew I was right for rejecting you,” Anca mumbled. I could see that Ivy was hurting and before I could say anything she slapped Anca across the face.

“How could you accuse me of adultery?” Ivy said. “You want to know the bloody truth, when I ran from Kiara and Lilith I went to a club to try and get my mind off the fact that I am stupid enough to accept you after everything that happened and got raped. Why do you think I always chose to keep my distance? It too late to abort the baby. I carrying my rapist child and I have to live with that forever, you have no right to fucking accuse me when you whore yourself around. You are my “TRUE MATE” and I gave you a chance after you bloody fucking rejected me. I don’t need you or them I can take care of myself. You will never feel the pain I’m going through; You wasn’t taken away from your home and forced to be a sex-slave, I was and I will never have a normal life,” She cried for what seemed to be hours until she passed out. Everyone including Lilith, Mark, Scar, Anca, Kiara, and the girl that shadowed Kiara just looked at me. Mark felt sorry for me as always, even though i’m not with her she carrying my child and I need to ensure her safety.

Before I could pick her up I was ripped away from her by “TRUE MATE” she need to understand that my child inside of her mate and I will stop at nothing to keep them safe. “You stay far away from my mate or you’ll have to deal with me,” she hissed. This girl made me laugh first she accused her own mate and now she telling me to stay away from child; she just crossed the line.  In a blink of an eye I had Anca pinned to the wall; I could feel my demonic beast rise within me.

“How dare you threaten to keep my family away from me?” I snarled. Anca face was starting to turn blue. I knew I was killing her, but I had no control over Andy ( aka Demonic beast.) I felt someone touch my shoulder; I looked to see my brother trying to pry my hands off of Anca.

“If you kill her you kill Ivy and your baby,” He said. “Let go before you regret it,” I knew he was right I dropped Anca like a rag doll. I walked over to Ivy and brought her to the living room. No one except for Scar, Anca and I could touch her, but there were limits.

. I needed to feed before I kill someone. Mark followed me outside as I left my unborn child with the likes of those people. Everything made sense now she was my ex- girlfriend daughter and I fucked up and got her pregnant. Every girl I came across willingly gave me their essence even if they were supernaturals. Something was about to change and I could feel it happening day by day.

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