Chappie 2

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"Yes, she seems to have lost her memories due to her brain injury." The doctor's painful words
sank deep down into my brain then to my weary heart. There wasn't a cure for it and I can only hope that she regains her memory somehow.

I dragged my heavy body back to HyunRa's room and only smiled slightly when I saw her looking much healthier after 1 month of being hospitalized.

But I soon frowned again as the saddening words of the doctor rang in my head again.

Will she ever remember me again? I felt so annoyed and sad thinking that she might never remember what we shared before and that she might never remember our love again. I felt useless, not being able to develop a cure for her, for her to regain her memory.

I couldn't help but sigh in frustration. She heard me and whipped her head around, away from the window view and noticed me by the door.

"You're back. So, what's my situation?" She asked casually, way too casually. She sounded as if she did not care much about her current condition.

"Not good. At all. You.. you kind of lost all your memory and there is no guaranteed way to help you regain your memory." I looked at her sadly, nearly letting down my tears.

I took a deep breath and sucked up my tear drop that was threatening to fall.

Saying this out loud made reality hurt even more, like my entire world just collapsed and shattered in pieces and I can't retrieve it no matter how hard I tried. I've lost my parents, I don't want to lose HyunRa too.

"Yeah, I figured out this much. I... I just don't know where to go next nor what to do next. I don't remember a single thing." She said.

How can she be so calm? While I am breaking down over here. But, I can't leave her now even if she finds me weird. "It's okay, I will take care of you." I reassured her.

"But I can neither see you as a best friend nor a boyfriend.", she said shyly.

True, she doesn't know me very well other than my name, I shouldn't overwhelm her too much.

"I understand, I will try best to accept our current status. I have also contacted your overseas brother on your current condition, he is currently flying back to Korea from LA to visit you" I said. "A brother..." I heard her mumble.

"Ah, right. I haven't explain. See, your parents... Well, like mine, they are no longer in this world any longer. Your older brother is your only family left. His name is Choi SeungCheol. He's probably arriving tomorrow night. " I explained and saw Hyunii nodding her head while she pursed her lips.

"You should get changed, you're already discharged, we should leave soon." I said as I handed her my hoodie and a pair of pants. She nodded and took the clothes as I went out of the room to wait for her.

She soon walked out of the room and followed me silently as we walked out of the hospital and to my car.

"Hey.. I'm.." She stuttered hesitantly. "Do you need anything?" I asked, worried that she was still hurting somewhere. Just then, her stomach made a very loud noise, she looked down and said, "Yeah, food."

I tried to stiffen a laughter as I realised that this side of Hyunii will never change in a million years,she will forever be a hungry black hole in a search for food and will never be satisfied no matter how much food she devours.

"Ha ha ha, sure. Let's grab some sandwiches alright? But still, you just ate like 1 hour ago", I couldn't help but laugh at her. She was still so cute even if she is so different now.

"Don't laugh at me! Or I will skin you alive!" She whacked my arms and smiled slightly.

"Fooood~", she kept singing the same word during the car ride to get get food.

She sounded and looked quite happy, despite what she just found out.


We got our food and got back to my house to eat. Hyunii kept looking around my house like a curious cat as if she had never been to my place a million times in the past.

We sat down on the sofa and bit into our food. We ate silently and awkwardly until she spoke.

"Jeonghan, can you tell me about myself and maybe about you too? "

I stopped munching my food and kind of shrugged. But I soon nodded slowly.

It's just that... I don't exactly love recounting the sorrows of both our lives.

Author notes 📝 :

Hi again~ Its rly late right now and I'm rly tired 😴

But I hope you've enjoyed what you have read so far~~😃

Finding: Me [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt