Chappie 17

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I don't think I am able to forgive Raehwa so easily. I'm not even sure if Hwareun is actually Raehwa. My mind is kind of jumbled up.

If Hwareun is actually my step-sister, it kinda pisses me off that she talks of Mom and Dad so easily. She doesn't know what happened to them, she doesn't know that they are dead...

I don't know much about my parents currently but I'm sure they were nice to me. I only can remember the memories of my siblings.

And some other people...


It was a Saturday and I didn't have work. I wanted to spend my entire day sleeping and resting my complicated brain.

But no, Jeonghan dragged me out of the house. He was also free and he wanted to spend the day with me, he called it a 'date'. I think not.

I sighed and agreed to go out with him.

I was dragged to a carnival, apparently they arrived recently and Jeonghan has been wanting to get on it ever since they arrived in town.

"There is the scent of food everywhere! Are you sure this isn't Heaven?" My energy level immediately boosted as I sniffed the air that was filled with scents of hotdogs, cotton candy, popcorn and some other carnival food.

"What? Awhile ago you were like: No! No! Let me stay at home, you go by yourself! And suddenly now you seem more energetic than me." Jeonghan rolled his eyes at me.

I ignored him and pulled him to a cotton candy stall. I pointed at the blue cotton candy and smiled sweetly at him, hoping that he gets my message.

"I'm gonna get diabetes if you keep smiling like that." He sighed but he bought me a blue cotton candy anyways.

I happily received it from Jeonghan and finished it pretty quickly. Then I pulled him to another food stall and then another food stall and then another.

"Stop, you're eating too much. Let's go play instead. Please. Stop. Eating." Jeonghan looked at me pleadingly.

"Fine...let's go play instead." I finished my last french fry.

"Very well, to the Haunted House!" Jeonghan said excited as he tried to grab my hand to pull me again.

I dodged his hand and shook my head vigorously. "No. No, not the Haunted House. I'll die in there." I said dramatically trying to hide the fact that I was scared.

"Don't be scared, I'll protect you. Come on." Jeonghan claimed while I continue shaking me head and stood rooted to the ground.

"I-I'm not scared. It's just that I don't like walking so much. I wanna sit maybe go on a rollercoaster ride instead!" I suggested.

Jeonghan wasn't even paying attention to me anymore, he was just staring at the Haunted House intently.

I sighed and forced myself to enter the Haunted House with Jeonghan. He looked so eager and bubbly, I don't want to ruin it. I dragged myself into the house before I changed my mind.

But... I changed my mind the moment I entered the house. But once again, it was too late to change my mind, I might as well deal with it.


"AHHH!" I let out a blood curdling scream that even seemed to surprise the ghost actor.

Jeonghan wasn't 'protecting' me very well. Everytime something creepy appears, he shoves me in front of him and used me as a shield while he hid behind of me.

My heart was almost jumped out of my chest when a bloody-serial-killer-looking guy jumped out in front of me. To make matters worse, Jeonghan suddenly hugged my waist from behind and that made my heart go even more crazy.

"I'm scared, l-let me stay behind you." He stuttered in fear.

"And yet you said you would protect me. You aren't doing very well at your job right now." I smacked his head and rolled my eyes at him though he couldn't see me as it was super dark.

He winced and pushed me forward while still clinging onto me from behind.

Then, I saw light.

Glorious, magnificent light. Even if it was just a little ray of it, it was still brighter than my life and my future.

I ran towards the light, totally forgetting about Jeonghan behind me.


"How dare you ditch me like that!"

"I'm sorry, it was the end anyways. There was nothing scary, unless if you are scared of mere darkness." I mocked him as I ruffled his hair playfully.

"Whatever, let's do the rollercoaster next! That one seems really high! Let's do it!" I jumped around excitedly.

I noticed Jeonghan gulp and cringe when he saw how high the rollercoaster went.

This is gonna be fun.


Or not.

Author notes 📝 :

This chapter was quite short too, I'm sorry 😥😓

I hope I can write more tmr😆~~

Anyways~~Thank you for reading and please vote⭐, comment💬 and share ✅ !

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