Chappie 16

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*WARNING* This chapter contains violence and abuse so please be warned. If you are sensitive to these topics, please skip this chapter!!


It's another day at work, Hwareun was still being a little distant from me.  She always seemed to want to say something to me but always hesitate.

I told Mrs Kim and Hwareun my unfortunate story of me losing my family and memory. Ever since, Mrs Kim has been looking at me with pitiful eyes and Hwareun...she was still the same.

I regretted telling Mrs Kim about my condition, I don't want her pity at all. I would like her to understand my situation but I don't want her to look down or pity me.

I've also been trying to talk to Hwareun and trying to make friends with her. I found out that she's way older than me, she's 8 years older than me.

She calmly told me that she use to have a younger sister and a younger brother. But she lost contact of them after she ran away from home many years ago, 15 years ago to be exact.

I was so surpised that she told me so much of her own personal life and I noticed that she wavered a bit whenever she talked about her siblings.

She tearfully told me she misses them very badly and wants to see them again. She regrets what she did in her past, although I'm not sure what she did.

For some reason, I found myself relating to her family. Like her, my step-sister is also gone, I've lost all touch with her.

I want to find my step-sister very badly. I want to ask her why she did all those things to me. I still dislike her very much for the horrible things she did to me. I told all these to Hwareun, hoping that we can relate but instead, she looks a little taken aback when she heard all that.

"Hey, are you alright? You look a little pale and scared." I asked her.

"No, it's fine. Nothing." She softly muttered. I highly doubt that she's fine, but I didn't want pry on her too much so I left her alone.

She then hugged me unexpectedly without saying anything and let me go. Before I could even ask a thing, she left me alone with all my thoughts.

I was still a little stun by the sudden hug, why did she suddenly hug me like that?

I tried shaking off my thoughts and went back to work. But I couldn't, I kept thinking about my own family and Hwareun's family.

At first I didn't suspect Hwareun of anything, until...

I overheard a conversation just before I was about to return home, Mrs Kim and Hwareun were in a really heated conversation through the locked door.

"Mom! I'm sure of it!"

"I don't care!"

"Mom! Why?"

"Don't leave your dad again! Please!"

"I'm not going to leave you guys..."

"You can't be sure! After you see you long lost family, you will surely have to urge join them again. And what if it's not her?"

"It's surely her, her story is exactly the same as mine. She even looks similar."

"Raehwa, I do not want to have this conversation again. Hide your identity for your father. Please."

Mrs Kim unlocked the door and it was my signal to run away, I don't want to look like I was eavesdropping.

I hurried out of the bakery and headed home. I couldn't help but think about what Mrs Kim called Hwareun. Or was it Raehwa?

Finding: Me [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now