Chappie 5

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He. Kissed. Me?
No, he didn't. It was my stupid hormones imagining things again.

"Are you okay? You ears and cheeks are very pink." Jeonghan peered at my face.

I quickly covered my ears and looked away from him. He placed his hands on my cheeks casually and said, "It's so warm, are you running a fever?"

Ah! Stop touching me! I screamed inside loudly. My eyes went wide open and felt like melting when he caressed my cheeks.

I swiftly swat it away and lightly whacked his head. "I'm fine." I said, once again sounding like some girl on her period. Jeonghan raised his eyebrows and shrugged.

"I wanna get some fresh air outside. Don't you have a job to do? That reminds me, do I have a job?" I asked.

"I worked in Pledis Entertainment. are kind of on a break. And I'm free today too. "

"Okaayy, but what do you do? And what do you mean by a break? " I raised on eyebrow suspiciously at him.

He just shrugged and smirked at me. What was that all about?

The word Pledis rung deafeningly in my ears, it was so nostalgic.

Maybe I used to work there?

"Whatever, don't think to much about it. And go get changed, we're going out." he said and left into his room.

Don't think too much about it? That made my wonder even more.

Anyways, I threw on my red sundress that I found in my cupboard.

I looked into my cupboard and noticed that it was super messy.

"Why is it so messy? Did Jeonghan do this?" I picked up some unfolded clothing and hanged them up neatly.

"No, you are the messy one. I'm always the one having to nag at you for being so messy. While you were gone, I tidied up your room except your cupboard. I don't want to see that huge mess, it's like you turned over the entire cupboard!", Jeonghan appeared.

I rolled my eyes and shooed him out of my room.

I looked into the mirror and tied up my long black hair into a neat bun. Then I noticed that there was a very visible and hideous scar along my neck.

I stared at it in the mirror even closer and from the looks of it, it must have been a very painful and deep cut. It was painful just by looking at it. I applied some concealer to try to cover the ugly thing up but it was not enough and still super obvious.

I wondered how I got this scar as I traced my finger along it. Was it due to my accident? My step-sister?

Just then, Jeonghan poked his head to my door, "What's taking you so long? Hurry up Hyu..." He broke off as he saw me touching my scar. He grew quiet suddenly.

I noticed his reaction and shook my head. "Nothing, let's go." I tried my best to smile as I pulled him out with me.

"Where are we going?" I asked asked as I was following him behind.

"To a park nearby, it's the most peaceful there."

I let out a 'oh' before he stopped on his tracks and hooked his arms with mine and casually pulled me closer to him.

"I still love you a lot. Even if I'm a stranger to you now."

Geez, I felt so bad when I heard him say that. I felt so mean for 'taking away' his girlfriend. I hoped that I get my memories back by a miracle or something and stopped torturing poor Jeonghan. He seemed like a nice guy.

"Were you know, my boyfriend? I feel like you are more than I deserved." I sighed.

"What? I felt like like you were more than I deserved. I still do. " He laughed foolishly and patted my head.

I glared at him.

"Woah, what did I do?" Jeonghan panicked.

"Don't touch my hair, its looks so neat right now." I pouted.

He sighed and pinched my cheeks. "Seriously? That's it? I thought you found out that I...nevermind. You look nicer with you hair down anyways, but, I mean that you look nice no matter how you style it. Just saying." He freaked out again.

I laughed at him being flustered over a small matter.

We then strolled to the park hand in hand together. And I got to admit, I felt reassured and safe around Jeonghan.

We soon arrived at the park and it was very...well, green and peaceful. Except for the all the poisonous and evil insects all around me.

Then I heard a bell ringing, it was an amazing sound that I would would never forget and miss.

"ICE-SCREAM!" I screamed like a child and made Jeonghan jump. I ran around Jeonghan like a child and begged him to get me an ice-scream.

"Ice-cream? In the morning?" He raised one of his eyebrows at me. "Fine, whatever. Don't look for me when you suffer from a stomach ache."

I grinned so widely that it almost hurt my cheek muscles.

"I want a vanilla cone!" I was still jumping around happily, being really childish. I mean, you can't blame me, you are never too old to get excited for ice-cream.

"Okay, okay. I also want one for myslef but just calm down and sit on the bench. I'll go get it so wait for me." He smiled and pointed to the wooden bench nearby.

I skipped my way to the bench and patiently waited for my food. Very. Patiently.

After what felt like an eternity, Jeonghan finally came back only with one vanilla cone. "Bad news, there was only one vanilla flavored ice-cream left." He pointed out. "And I'm having it." He stuck out his tongue cheekily.

I lunged forward and tried to grab the ice-cream. But he dodged and ran away while laughing at me. He is not going to get the last laugh!

"Oi!" I shouted and gave chase, desperate for my ice-cream.

And lucky for me, Jeonghan wasn't watching where he was going and he bumped into a tree.But instead of getting my food back, he landed backwards and the poor melting ice-cream went flying out of his hands and 'splat' onto the wet grass.

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?!" I exclaimed worryingly.

"Yep, I think I'm fine." Jeonghan said, wiping away the dirt off his pants. But I wasn't paying attention at him, I ran to the almost-liquid ice-cream and fake-wailed, "No, not you. I'm talking about the ice-cream on the ground, it was the last one!"

Jeonghan frozed and stared at me like he was about the murder me.

"I almost broke my nose and you don't even look at me." he dramatically fake-sighed.

I jumped on him from behind playfully and wrestled his neck with my arm. "Fine, fine. All you alright then?"

"Ow, ow." He tried to smack my hands off. Instead, I jump onto his back and laughed evilly. I felt really happy.

Author notes 📝 :

Heyy~~ I realised I can only update at night as I'm busy with school work in the day, sorryyy about that~~😥

Except for weekends where I usually have the whole day to myself~~😝

Anyways, thank u for reading~~♥♥

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