Chappie 26

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Who does he like? Who is the girl he likes at work? Is she pretty? Is he close to her?

I was at work an I kept pondering on these questions that I didn't dare to ask. Mainly because I'm too shy to ask and another reason is because it still hurts my feelings, knowing that he has no romantic feelings for me.

I sighed exasperatedly, life's miserable and it sucks for me.

I mindlessly wipe the table that was already clean.

"Hyunra, you can stop wiping that table. It's already sparkling clean." Raeh-- Hwareun's voice penetrated my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh! Ah, o-okay." I stuttered and let the poor table alone and went into the kitchen instead.

"Hey, Hyunra..." Hwareun shouted from the tables.

"Ye-ah?" I answered.

She walked into the kitchen with a worried lool plastered on her face. She played with her lips as she bit it and pursed her lips.

"You see... Well, how should I put it?" She mumbled under her breath and gulped.

"What is it?" I asked curiously as I placed the soapy dishes back into the sink and turned my enter body to face her.

What's got her so nervous?

"Do you remember your step-sister? A girl named Raehwa?" She softly asked.

I forgot how to breathe for s few seconds before I got my breath back again.

"Of course you remember her... You see...I'm her." She sighed and let it all out in one breath.

I know, I know, I know! I screamed inside my head.

"I know." My voice cracked under the immense pressure after I finally found my own voice again.

"Re-really? Then-then it makes things a whole lot easier. Cause I've heard you got into an accident and..." She looked at me apologetically and trailed off.

"But it doesn't mean I forgive you! If you're only doing this because I seem like a pitiful person who lost her memories, then don't give me your pity! It disgusts me!" I snapped and raised my voice. I was infuriated by her behavior, my mind had no other feelings other than rage.

I lost myself for a moment as I raised my hands and swung it at her direction before holding back myself.

She shielded herself as she saw my hand and she looked slightly fearful. It reminded myself of me when I was young.

No, I'm not going to be like her. I'm not a monster like her.

I gritted my teeth and I felt my eyes popping out of their eye sockets as I glared at her. I put my hand back to my side slowly, controlling myself from doing stupid things.

"I'm not as low as you. I'm not going to solve violence with violence." I barely kept my cool and peeled off the dishwashing gloves.

I wash about to walk out before someone grabbed my hands.

"I'm sorry! I was immature that time, I know what I did was wrong, I know and I swear, I've change for the better. I've turned over a new leaf! Please give me another chance to be your sister again, this time, I'll do it right." She pleaded me. A tear ran down her cheeks and her eyes glistened with sincerity.

My stomach clenched tightly at the sight and I felt a little bad for her. But now I have mixed feelings, she looked so sincere and from the looks of things, she didn't seem to be the same bossy person like the past. She did seem changed.

But on the other hand, I was scared, worried and skeptical about it. I was scared of getting hurt again, call me a coward but still get chills thinking about my childhood.

"You have no idea how much I suffered back then. I shivered at the thought of you, I tried avoided you the best I could even though you were my family. Like which person hides from her own family because she always slapped them?" I confessed.

Without my notice, I tasted something salty. I was crying, tears ran down like little streams. Now, I'm not sure if I really hated Raehwa.

"I was a stupid little kid back then, I'm so sorry for all the things I've done to you, I truly am, please believe me. I was worried Mom showed more love and attention to both you and Seungcheol, I was scared that Mom didn't love me anymore. I'm sorry..." She also tearfully confessed.

I didn't know she felt that way...

"After many years I ran away, I tried looking for you guys again, but I couldn't find any of you. After awhile, I found out that Mom...passed away. I regretted all my life decisions, I realised you and Seingcheol were my only family left. I realised how important you both were..."

So she knew...

She looked at the ground guiltily while tear drops dropped onto the ground.

"I know aren't able to forgive me easily, I don't blame you for that. The things I did must have left a scar, they were horrible."

After she said all those, my anger vanished. I felt a new feeling. A little bit of sadness, a tinge of guilt and mostly relief.

It was as if the weight of the world was finally off my shoulders, I could breath once again without feeling trapped in my damaged body. I was insecure about it anymore.

I quickly pulled her in for a hug. It was a little awkward at first but after awhile, she hugged me back.

It's okay, I forgive you. After all, the world is not only about myself.

Author notes 📝 :

Awweee, a happy ending😊😄
I hope I didn't rush things too much!! 😥

I'm sorrt this is quite a late update hut I hope you liked it anyways.

Thanks you for reading and please remember to vote 🌟, comment 💬, and share✅ !!


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