Chappie 11

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Honestly, I don't even know where I was heading to. I don't know any places in this town except the hospital, the park and Jeonghan's house.

I just wanted to get away for awhile. I feel so dumb getting irritated at something that is not in my control. It wasn't even Jeonghan's fault, I can't blame him.

But I feel so upset! Argh, this is getting me nowhere!

I saw a cool looking library cafe and I was immediately attracted to it while walking on the street. I stepped inside and I was in awe.

The place looked really modern with tinted glass panes as the walls. There was a staircase going up and it also served as bookselves. There were also white raindrop lights hanging down from the high ceiling.

In the corner, I spotted a cafe with a large variety of desserts and pastries. Macaroons, pies, croissants, tarts, puffs, cakes, bagels and all sorts of sandwiches, you name it and it was there.

My worries were blown right away by my sudden pang of hunger when I saw all the sweet and savory treats.

I ordered some food and hot tea from the cafe and sat down on an empty seat. I also found a really good book judging from it's synopsis.

It was about this girl who woke up one day to find herself in the future. I think I picked up the book because I related to it so much.

Imagining just waking up and not knowing where you are, who everyone else around you are and what is held in your future.

It's like you are in a wrong place not knowing your position in the world. You feel hopeless.

Until someone walks into life.


I spent my entire day in the same spot as I was completely absorbed into that book, desperately wanting to find out how it all ends.

I was so consumed that I didn't notice how long I was in the library cafe until I felt a lady in a uniform tap on my shoulder to inform me that the place was closing in 5 minutes.

I gasped and rose up from my seat when I saw the time when I checked my watch. I thanked the lady and decided to borrow the book as I wasn't done with the story.

It's almost flipping 9pm! How am I going to explain myself to Seungcheol? He's gonna be so pissed to see me return home so late. But still, I'm an adult already...

I grew more and more anxious by the minute. My phone was dead and I couldn't call Seungcheol to inform him about my ahem, setback.

I was also getting a little spook by the darkness as Jeonghan's house in a pretty secluded area even though his house is practically affordable only for rich people.

Moreover, many of the streetlights were flickering on and off while the others were not working at all.

There was only the sounds of my footstep until another pair of footstep joined me.

I started to get really paranoid and many different dangerous situations with no-happy-endings played in my mind theatre.

I picked up my pace and the person behind did the same thing.

Is that person following me? Fear was literally engulfing me.

"Hey you over there!" A really deep and loud voice bellowed behind me. That's when I completely freaked out and ran my life, hoping that he will stop following me.

But fate is a weird thing and it really hates me so it made that man run after me too.

My weak legs gave out not so long later and the guy easily caught up with me.

I was drenched in sweat and fear when I saw the hooded figure draw near me. I couldn't make out his face as there was no light.

Seungcheol! Jeonghan! Help!

I opened my mouth to scream but only a whimper escaped my mouth.

I froze when he approached me and knelt down to look at me who was half-sprawled on the ground. I gulped when reached his hands out of his pocket.

And pulled down his hoodie?

I felt my heart beating to life again when I saw that it was only... Jeonghan who was under that hoodie.

He smirked at me as I got my breath back once again.

My feeling of fear was soon taken over by rage and anger.

"Why...why are you crying?" He asked as he wiped away something on my face.

I must be so scared that I cried. But I was really vexed at him for scaring me like that.

I swatted away his hands away with the little strength I had left and coldly spat out words at him while I sobbed uncontrollably, "You thought *sob* you thought that was funny? *Sob* You stupid rascal! *sob*"

His grin was immediately wiped off his face as he was taken aback when I lashed out at him.

I continue wailing on the ground while Jeonghan stared apologetically at me before I soon got up with my jelly-like legs.

Jeonghan tried to support me but I pushed him away and glared at him.

He stepped back from me and looked down guiltily on the ground.

Luckily the house was not far away from where I was and I stomped back home angrily and slammed the door close after I got into the house.

I hate that jerk so much!

Seungcheol who was asleep on the couch jerked awake, clearly surprised by the sudden noise.

Okay, maybe I felt a little bad for showing attitude like that. But anyone would have felt pissed after someone else made you feel like you were about to die.

"Hyunra you brat! Where have you been? It's over 9pm! What were you..." Seungcheol trailed off when he saw me sobbing.

"Are...are you crying? Why? Who? Who bullied you?" He ran to me and hugged me protectively while I avoided eye contact with him. This time, I didn't mind him being protective, I found it comforting.

I kept quiet and cried on his shoulders until I calmed down my heart and my mind. Seungcheol kept patting my back as if I was some baby wailing in the middle of the night.

Well, I do feel like a weak baby right now.

I then let out a violent sniffle and pulled apart from my brother's comforting shoulders.

"I'm sleepy." I muttered weakly and rubbed my tired eyes.

Seungcheol nodded and let me escape into the confort of my bedroom.

I got a glance of myself in the mirror and crap--I looked terribly messy with my red eyes and nose along with my now messy bun which was also falling apart.

Thank god I don't put on makeup or I would have looked like some ghost on a budget.

I tumbled down on my bed immediately, not bothering to change out of my stuffy clothes or washing my sticky face.

Just before I fell into my deep slumber, I heard a click from the front door outside.

Jeonghan must be back...

Author notes 📝 :

I may or may not update on Sundays as I'm always super busy on those days, I hope you'll understand 😥~~

Anyways~~Thank you for reading and please vote⭐, comment💬 and share ✅ !


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