Chappie 3

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"Unfortunately you had no other relatives other than your older brother and step-sister.", he said.

"A step-sister?"

"Yeah, you have a step-sister. But she was a bitch to you.", he said, with a hint of anger in his soothing voice.

He must seen how confused I looked, he continued, "Your mother remarried once, you and your brother are both from the same father. Before she remarried, her husband disappeared without a trace and your mother was devastated. She searched everywhere for him but to no avail, his disappearance is still a mystery till this day.

Back then, she already had your step-sister who was only 1-year-old. After 3 torturing years, she finally got over her husband's death and remarried your late dad.

1 year later, they had your brother--Seung Cheol then soon they gave birth to you too." he explained fully.


Seung Cheol... Seung Cheol... That name sounded so familiar! I groand frustratedly, unable to clearly remember who he was and how he looked like.

But well yeah, duh, of course he sounds familiar, he is my older brother. I rolled my eyes.

"How old am I now?"

"You are 21 and Seungcheol is 24." He answered, while taking another bite of his sandwich.

"Am I close to my siblings and you?" I asked, taking a bite of my sandwich too. Though I felt kind of stupid asking that, I was his girlfriend before right? So I should be close with him right?

I chewed for a while before I spoke again. "You said that she was a pain in the neck. Explain."

"She's worse than that. You don't exactly get along with her the best, she is always beating you up. Don't be shocked when you see scars on your body. " He said sadly while letting out a heavy sigh. I only gulped and nodded, at least I'm glad I don't have to remember her.

"But for your older brother, you guys are really close. Both of you are inseparable. Since young, you guys grew up together and defended each other from Kim RaeHwa, your step-sister. I was just your childhood best friend. " Jeonghan smiled brightly and laughed a little.

I couldn't help but smile when I heard his beautiful laugh.

"Then... what about... you? You said... your parents... erm. " I mumbled timidly, afraid that I'm being too much and that I'm poking at something that I shouldn't be bothering with.

He didn't seem to be affected too much, he only smiled sadly, "My parents passed on not to long ago with your parents. All of them were in the same accident. You were in the same car with all of our parents when you were making your way somewhere. Then a fatal car crash happened.

My... your... our parents didn't make it through and died soon on the spot. You were still alive and was quickly brought to the hospital. You recovered and healed over the 1 month but still... its wasn't expected that your memory would be gone-"

Before he could finish, he let out a sniffle and a single tear droplet rolled down from his glistening eyes before he wiped away another tear drop.

I pursed my lips tightly and looked at him guiltily. He looked like he was hurting a lot,my heart urged mt to help him. So, I slowly and carefully reached out my hand to hold his, squeezing it tightly, hoping that it would give him some warmth and comfort him.

I muttered an inaudible 'sorry' before I reluctantly pulled my hands away from his. He only smiled gently at me before surprising me by pulling me into a close hug.

"I love you so much, please remember me again." He softly whispered into my ears, tickling my ears and causing me to let out a soft giggle. But I couldn't understand what he had just said since he spoke in English.

"What did you say? I don't understand English."

He shook his head, "Nothing much, I only said that I miss you. Please call me Hannie instead. You used to always call me that, even though my name is Jeonghan" Jeonghan said, his breath tickling my ears again.

I haven't gotten use to the name 'Hannie'. And I probably will never. That name sounded so...girly and cutesy, so unlike me.

I squirmed a little and he let go of me but then he quickly brought his lips to my forehead and gave a light and quick peck before standing up.

I looked up at him who had a huge grin on his face. Before I could protest or say anything, he left and walked into another room.

I placed my hands on the spot he kissed and a nostalgic feeling waved through me. My heart fluttered just a tiny bit before calming down quickly.

My mind then played a scene where we were both kissing.

Wait. What? Why are we kissing? Why am I imagining this?! But it felt so real... Like maybe we have done it before. Just maybe!

I sighed, mentally slapping myself and quickly stuff the rest of my sandwich into my mouth before before I could bite my tongue off.

Author note 📝 :
Hi again~~ 😀

I really hope you have enjoyed what I have written so far and can continue to support me in my writing~~ 😅😊

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