Chappie 33

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I ran towards his house, my face soaked with tears like usual and he was already standing at the doorstep waiting for me.

The usual.

I slowed down my pace and then I jumped into his arms and dug my head into his chest. He winced in pain but he held onto me nevertheless.

"Let's go in." He said.

I sniffed loudly and nodded.

I roughly wiped my face with my cold and icy fingers. But the dried tears clung onto my face and I bet my face looked as crappy as ever.

We entered his room and he went over to his table as he continued his homework while I weakly threw myself on his bed. I crawled under his covers and hid myself in his soft blanket.

Then, I felt weight on me suddenly as I was curled up in a ball. I felt a throbbing pain on my back where the weight was against.

"Ow!" I yelled, rising up immediately and it was Jeonghan who was on me and he tumbled onto the ground.

"It hurts." I scowled as I rubbed my back.

"I'm so sorry." He said with an alarmed look on his face.

"It's alright..." I said quietly as I looked at my sore arm. There's a new bruise now, nothing new though.

I sighed and buried my face in my hands. Why is is me who has an abusive sister? A mother who doesn't notice anything? A father that I barely see? And a crush who takes me for his older sister...

Tears threatened to come out but I held it back, I didn't want to cry again. Not in front of my best friend.

I then felt Jeonghan put his arms around my shoulders.

"There's nothing wrong with crying." He said.

And I burst into tears again.


I do remember! I remember it all!

The times when I cried beside Jeonghan, the times where I laughed with him, and that time when I fell in love with him.

The warm and light memories of my life that I've been seeking for finally flooded back to me, it was almost too overwhelming.

I pulled away from Jeonghan and gasped in happiness. He look confused as I suddenly turned from a crying, sorrowful person into a exhilarated person in about 1 second.

"What is it?" He asked.

I didn't anything as I was kind of lost for words so instead, I hugged him really tightly.

He was a bit stunned and startled at first by my unexpected move but then he loosen up and hugged me back.

I was happy. Over the moon. Whatever words of happiness couldn't describe my feelings.

Can I finally live normally again? Like in the past?

Wait... But he doesn't love me anymore.


Why does my life always go wrong?

I love him, I know I do. I really don't want to lose someone so important in my life.

I crumpled to the ground and sighed.

"And now your sad again?" He put his hands out quizzically and furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"I don't understand you." He said as he sat down on the ground beside me.

"I don't understand my misfortunes either." I mumbled unhappily.

"Why? I mean, you have me, why would your life be sad?" He laughed awkwardly as he tried to make a joke.

I gave him a small smile. "I am very grateful for you, I am. It's just, feel far away from me."

"How so?" After he thought about what I said.

"You don't even know that I like you. Really badly." I whispered ever so softly, half hoping that he'll hear it but the other half hoping that he doesn't hear it.

He paused for awhile.

Oh god, did he hear it? I had a mini panick attack on the inside.

"What? What did you say? I couldn't hear you, please speak louder." He leaned neared to me and cupped his ears.

I let out sigh of relief inside and shook my head. "No, it's nothing important."

"Everything you say is important." He pestered. Aw, this guy, he's too sweet. It's really not ny fault for falling in love with him.

"Really, it's nothing." I laughed and pinched his cheeks playfully. He then attacked with tickles and fell flat onto the ground with him on top of me.

I wished I could spend my whole life like this, having fun with him and having no worries.



Did I hear that right? She says she likes me. Am I hearing things? But I'm sure I heard it correctly!

That's why I asked again but she wouldn't say it again.

I groaned in frustration, unable to solve the question in my heart.


I wasn't really sure what to prepare for tomorrow's interview thing. Should I be preparing a song? Or should I just chill?

I didn't really want to be bothered by the imterview so I just chilled. It's not like I'm dying for that career pathway anyways. I'm just fine being a normal person.

But truthfully, I was quite nervous, I didn't want to make a bad impression of myself. I will do my best nonetheless.

And I hope it turns out well...

Author notes 📝 :

Hey, sorry.. The chapter didn't turn out as good as I thought it would and I'm also sorry for the really late update but school ended rly late tdy. 😥😥

I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways :)

Thanks for reading and please do vote 🌟, comment 💬 and share✅!


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