Chappie 39

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It's been a little longer than 5 months but he still isn't back...

He couldn't call him, he didn't call me. The messages I sent, he didn't reply. I understand that he must have been really busy but not even one call?

I've been really busy too but I still spare thoughts for him, I wasn't sure if I was angry or sad. The painful 5 months were over but I still haven't seen his face yet.

And I'm not sure if I can continue the relationship... I've been wrapped up and occupied in so many things, I still am due to my idol life.

And I'm kinda excited to tell Jeonghan that I have debuted as a soloist singer and I'm doing quite well. My first album and songs are going to be released soon so obviously, I need to work my butt off so that all goes smoothly.

But right now, his shiny and beautiful smile can't boost my energy or encourage me. But I still gotta move on and deal with my life.

I may sound like this album release is like a chore but no, I'm excited to see my fan's reaction since I'm actually dropping it without any notice, I just that they like it and it goes well, I did put in tons of my blood, sweat and tears.

My mind is packed with performances, songs, shows, fan meets, my album and so many other things, there was almost no more space for Jeonghan's name even.

I tried my best to contact him, but to no avail. I even asked my manager if he knew where they were. No doubt, he knew Jeonghan since he's a huge guy in our company but he doesn't know much about his schedules whatsoever.

For the last few weeks, whenever the bells rings at night, I would rush to the door hoping that it was Jeonghan who was there and not the chicken delivery guy.

It's dumb but at least it keeps my hopes afloat.

Today was no exception, work, work and work but tonight I was spending my night here in the practice room. My muscles were sore but I pushed myself further so that my moves can be perfected.

After going through my choreography for the millionth time, I finally collapsed to the ground, I was completely worned out.

My throat was parched, my perspiring body made me looked like I just took a shower without drying my body,  every edge of my body throbbed and ached like crazy.

Was this how Jeonghan felt whenever he spent his time in this building, just practicing over and over again? Man, he's hardworking.

I then realised my mind just subconsciously wandered off to Jeonghan again.

I can't stop thinking about him.

When is he going to come back?

Author notes 📝 :

Another super short chapter but it's a double update 😗

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Have a nice day ♥♥~

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