Chappie 12

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It's been 3 days since that incident between me and Jeonghan happened. I kept avoiding Jeonghan as I felt scared around him. I wanted to apologize for getting angry at him and all but I don't know how to approach him.

But he's making things so difficult for me as he keeps coming up to me and say things like 'I'm sorry, I won't do it again' or 'I've learnt my lesson, please talk to me'. It was so hard to avoid him and resist him when my sympathetic and loving side kept poking me.

I gave him a little grunt that was always loud enough for him to hear to ward him off when he tries to come near me, sometimes he just bugs me even more so I just ignore him. I'm still trying to figure out my feelings so I need time away from him.

Suengcheol has also been trying to question me about what happened on that night but I told him that I only saw a really sad drama before I came home.

It was such a stupid lie that even I couldn't believe I made that crap up. Obviously, my smart brother didn't believe a single bit of the lie I sold to him.

He then left me alone after I told him that I wouldn't spill anything.

This morning, I went to the cafe library before Jeonghan woke up to disturb me again. It was so peaceful when I was alone, just like how my heart felt at ease when I was around him...

Though today, I felt suffocated staying in the same place just like my past few days. I got up from my seat, planning to walk around the neighborhood even more.

I was about to grab the door handle but the door repelled away from me and on the other side of the door, there was that person who opened the door first.

"Hyunra?" He smiled when he saw me.

"Oh! Mingyu was it?"

"Yeap, what a pleasant surprise. You come here often too?"

"Yes, it's quiet and I won't be bothered by someone over here." I rolled my eyes quickly.

Thankfully, Mingyu didn't notice it.

"Mm-hm, I agree," he paused before speaking again. "Sooooo, are you free now? Want to grab a drink together?" He asked me out of the blue.

I looked down to my watch which displayed that it was only 1 in the afternoon.

Still pretty early, let's go for a afternoon drink then.

I nodded my head, "Yeah sure, I don't see why not." I smiled back him.

He held the door open for me and then I was led to a nearby cafe.

Unlike the library cafe, this cafe had a vintage vibe with the brick walls and the wooden flooring. It was bustling with chatter and laughter, it was quite a busy place.

"Woah, cool...I didn't know that there was such a place nearby." I said while looking around the place in awe.

"I know right? That was my same reaction when I first came in too. And the food here is bomb, you've got to try out the Honey Spice Cake and the Vanilla Melon Tea." Mingyu told me excitedly while we sat down on an empty seat.

"Sure, then I guess I'll go for that." I said and got up to order my food.

"I'll go buy it, my treat." He said.

Before I could protest, he went off to get our food.

What a nice guy. If only Jeonghan was like him and not inconsiderate about my feelings

Not long later, he came with a tray of food and he handed me my food.

"We'll eat well." We both said before eating our cake. My Honey Spice Cake was really good as it wasn't too sweet and it practically melted in my mouth. Mingyu got himself a shepard pie and some other kind of tea.

"Damn, it's good." I said with my mouth full.

Mingyu chuckled at me and nodded his head in agreement.

"Ah, you've got icing over here." He pointed to the corner of my lips. I tried to lick it but I don't think I got the icing.

Mingyu reached my face and wiped away the icing with his finger.

Everything seemed to move slowly as I held my breath, not exactly sure how to react.

"Done." He says casually after his fingers brushes my face for a little while.

I was a little taken aback and felt my face getting all tingly and warm.

"Thanks." I said awkwardly. I don't think he notices what he has just done.

" By the way, has Jeonghan or Seungcheol told anything about your life? Such as your job or anything?" Mingyu asked suddenly.

I shook my head, "He has only told me about my family. He kind of avoided the same question when I asked him about his and my occupation."

"Oh, I see." Mingyu nodded his head slowly.

" there something I should know?" I leaned forward eagerly.

Mingyu shook his head and smiled slightly at me, "No, not at all." Its sounded rather fishy.

I shrugged it off and right after that, I gasped when I saw someone enter the cafe.

That person immediately caught my attention.

Author notes 📝 :

Can you guess who it is? Bet you can 😋~~

Anyways~~Thank you for reading and please vote⭐, comment💬 and share ✅ !

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