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So I got tagged! Yeah...

(1) What's your favorite song?
My favorite song would have to be Angels Fall By Breaking Benjamin

(2) What's your favorite sport?
Baseball and Ice Hockey. I don't know why, but I do.

(3) What's your favorite band?
Um...I can't pick one. StarSet, Skillet, Breaking Benjamin, and NateWantsToBattle

(4) What's your favorite show?
I don't really watch TV anymore because my parents hog it all. But I definitely have to say Arrow. I'm on season 2 right now and I know they are at season 4 or 5.

And also Last Man Standing...definitely my second favorite.

(5) What's your favorite movie?
I got a few...The Road To El Dorado, The Emperor's New Groove, Balto, London Has Fallen, Doctor Strange, the Avengers movies and Coraline. Yeah, I know a strange list, some of you probably don't know over half of them.

(6) What's your favorite color?
Black and Lime Green

(7) What's your favorite food?
Salt and Vinegar Chips!

(8) What's your favorite drink?
Dr. Pepper....hands down..

(9) What's your favorite video game?
Um...Life Is Strange and Outlast

Victim time! I mean wonderful volunteers...
(You guys don't have to do this, I just hit random names, I don't take time to pick)


Because You Need Someone: Book 1 in the Need Trilogy: The Pack: MeromeWhere stories live. Discover now