Quick question... (Venting rant thingy)

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So..which is worse because I'm wondering...

Being treated like you are fucking invisible for the past two months or having your parents yell at you in front of everyone and having them saying what they really think about you?

You know what, I can't decide because they both are fucking horrible. And lets not forget that those two are just the tip of the iceberg!

......you know what...I just can't right now. I can't.... I'm going to sleep, I don't care that is 6:35 at night. I've been going on 2 hours of sleep for the past three weeks.

But I know if I do that, then my parents will try tricking me back into that therapist office only to have it feel like let's lock the door and insult and destroy what hope and happiness, Emma has left. Because she is obviously too much of a moron and dumbass to know one fucking thing. So let's talk about her like she isn't even in the fucking room! That's always fun, yeah I love that game too. So much fun!

Just...no..don't....had to get that off my chest...

I'm fine, but don't...

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