Chapter 1 - Running

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Lets just say, my life isn't your perfect little kind of life. Its one of those lives where you just have to learn to power through it. A lot of people think that i'm just looking for sympathy; believe me, i didn't choose to have this life. Heck, if anything i would trade my life for anyone else's if i could. It's not like i dont have a story to tell though - everyone has a story to tell no matter who they are.

It all started when me and my brother ran away - reasons unnecessary at this point - and we had been outside, running away from our problems, for atleast two days. And lets face it. We were vunerable. Hungry, thirsty, cold. We heard sirens, police sirens. Thinking that they were for us, thinking that someone actually cared enough about us to even attempt to look for us, we ran. We ran to the closest shelter we could find (a supermarket) we ran a round the back and - luckily - there was a door. But our luck had obviosly ran out. The door was open, but there was people inside. What on earth were they doing in the back of a supermarket at 10:30pm? Did they work there? Either way, we couldn't go home. And we couldn't let them see us (or our faces atleast.)

"Hey l-look at this!" Elyar said exitedely as he pointed at something (Elyar is my brother.)

"Shh!" I whispered looking into the storage room to make sure that the freakishly scary people in there room didn't hear him. They didn't look like they worked there. One had a torch in his hand and it was like one of those torches that the police helicopters have, swaying in whatever direction he turned in. In the darkness i couldn't really see much apart from the shape of different objects with a very faint tint of colour added to them. One of the things i could see was that both of the human figures standing in the storage room rummaging through all of the boxes were both extremely manly. The one on the right was a lot taller than the other too. Atleast by 5 inches.

Elyar nudged me.

"Hey, whats that, Nicole?" Elyar whispered as he pointed to something shimmering on the pitch black pavement a few feet away from us.

"I don't know, El" - El is my little nickname for my 14 year old brother. I turned around to notice that there was a black truck parked behind us. "Maybe a key to that truck."

I quickly ran and picked it up. Not taking my eyes off the two men/boys, i don't know, a few metres infront of me. I was right, it was a key.

"You go check to see if it works" El whispered "I will keep an eye on them. I'll distract them if anything happens."

I slowly walked towards the black van. It was a volkswagen - i think it was anyway - does it matter? I carefully pushed the key into the keyhole and gradually turned it. Please, please! I thought. We couldn't go back out to the street. Not with the police around and everything. I looked back to check to see if my brother was okay. His eyes were switching between me and the storage boys.


Not that i thought that it wouldn't work, but, IT WORKED! Finally! Something in my life was going the way i wanted it to for once. The two boys turned around quickly. The smaller one had quite a big afro - I wouldn't say it was big, but it wasn't exactly small. He looked about Elyar's age - 15. And the taller one, he had around about the same colour hair as the smaller one. I was guessing he was the tweedle dumb of the pair. He actually had the same sort of hair as the smaller one; it was shorter though. A lot shorter. But before they could even move El and I were already in the car. I was driving and El was in the shotgun seat. I have my drivers license so i wouldn't be breaking any laws on the terms of 'being too young to drive.' As soon as the two people in the storage turned around I pushed my foot as hard as i could on the gas pedal and the old, Volkswagen engine roared to life as we drove out of the alley. I wasn't exactly sure if the police were still doing whatever they were doing. But i wasn't going to stop. I drove the only route i knew, to the only place i knew. Home. But I wasn't planning on staying.

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