Chapter 10 - The dream

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I was woken up by the sun shining through a small glass window. The sun almost blinded me. It took me a while to realize where I was. I was in my old bedroom. But I was on the floor, next to a little girl's bed. My bed I had when I was littler. Elyar's bed he had when he was 2 or 3 was sat across the room. The walls were a light, sky blue. The floor was a series of wooden planks carefully lined up next to eachother. Toys like fake kitchens and teddy bears surrounded the room. A mirror was hanging on the wall above my old bed. I looked at it - my reflection looking back. A little girl with dark brown hair that went half way down her back and dark brown eyes was sat playing with the dollhouse in the corner. She was wearing a pair of pink and white minnie mouse pyjamas. Then a bomb went off in my head. It was me. I would sit and play with that dollhouse for hours when I was younger.

Why was I on the floor? I thought. Then I realized that I had on the clothes I wore the day I got to camp green lake. But I wasn't wearing my mother's necklace. I began to panic. Frantically looking around for it to see if it was on the floor where I had woken up. It was nowhere to be seen.

"Nicole? Nicole come down for breakfast honey" A female voice said from downstairs. "Could that really be? No..." I whispered in shock.

"Okay I'm coming mommy" The little girl version of me shouted as she got up and went down the stairs. I followed her. When I got out of the room I could remember exactly where every other room was. Even with the doors closed. To the left of mine and Elyar's room was my moms and dads room. Then, to the right of mine and Elyar's room, was the bathroom. The walls were still the same shade of cream. The walls had been that colour for as long as I could remember. The dark wooden banister ran up the wall about a metre above each step. The floor was exactly the same as my bedroom. Mixed, wooden planks lined up next to each other. Mini me began to go down the creaky stairs. As did I.

She walked through the sitting room and into the kitchen. There was a little boy sat at the table. He had thick, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Elyar. El was eating some fruit loops, letting the milk fall from the spoon and onto his dark blue t-shirt that said 'i'm a daddy's boy' and his navy jeans. Father was kneeling down putting some black trainers on to Elyar's tiny feet. Father still had his jet black hair, although it was a lot shorter as over the years he had let it grow out. Now it reached just below his shoulders. He still had the same, style though; baggy, ripped jeans and a nirvana t-shirt. He turned around to look at the little Nicole (i'm just going to call her little Nicole) and I was stood behind her. I don't think that my old family could see me as they didn't say anything about 'that girl standing behind the miniature version of herself'. My fathers eyes were the deep brown of winter trees at twilight.

"There you are honey" The voice said again. It was mom. I remembered this moment like it was yesterday. I dreamt about my mom a lot. I dreamt about how my life would be completely different if she was still here. My mom wore a perfectly faded, light blue pair of jeans, with a grass-green vest top and a grey and white striped cardigan. She turned around to look at the tiny copy of me which I was still stood behind her. Her eyes were the lightened brown of parched summer soil. Her caramel hair was flowing down like a waterfall as the wind blew through the kitchen window. Each hair strand was shining as the light bounced off of them, stinging my eyes. "Sit down honey she said as she pulled a chair out from under the table and turned it so that the back of the chair was facing the table. The little girl sat on the chair and mom knealt infront of her. I noticed that my necklace was around my moms neck.

"I want to give you this, Nicole" Mom said as she took the necklace off from around her neck and put it around little Nicole's neck.

"It's beautiful mommy. Thank you." Little Nicole's deep brown eyes looked at mom's as she looked back. Mom's eyes were the type of eyes that when you looked at them, it made you feel like you were the most important thing on earth. They were re-assuring, hopefull and uplifting. A waterfall of tears began to run down my face. Just seeing my mom made me feel creeped out yet the happiest i've ever been in my life. Then I began to think about how I would never see her again. My dirty blonde hair kept on falling infront of my face as I wept. I felt like shouting 'I miss you, mom. I love you!' But she probably wouldn't hear me; plus the lump in my throat was taking up too much room. There was no room for words. Just then, I remembered what happened the day she gave me that necklace. And that moment, the scene changed, It was my mom's car. My mom was driving, my father was sat in the passenger seat and El and little Nicole were sat in the back with me sat in the middle of them. The tears were still streaming from my eyes, down my face and onto my black skinny jeans. The blank, emotionless expression swept over my face as the realization of the moment gradually seeped in. The fear seemed to rise behind my eyes. Like a caged animal, I sat there. Paralyzed by the tragic feeling of loosing mom again.

El and little Nicole were playing mercy in the back of the car, and mom turned around to tell them to stop. She said that someone might get hurt. And she couldn't have been more right.

"WATCH OUT!" Father screamed as the car drove off the road and hit an oak tree.

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