Chapter 24 - The Masterplan

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Richie POV

After I had told Nikki all of the little details about Squid and I, we decided to go to the wreckroom and try to find the rest of the tent members. This time when we were looking for the wreckroom, we didn't get lost. It took us atleast 5 minutes as we were walking at a snails pace.

"You still pissed at Mr. P?" I asked.

"What do you think?" Nikki could hold a grudge like it was nobody's business so I guess that was a yes. "I want revenge. You in?"

"It depends on what the 'revenge' is."

"I haven't thought of it yet. I was hoping that you could help me think of a plan." We stopped talking for a few seconds as we tried to think of a good plan.

We finally reached the wreckroom and we walked through the door. Zigzag was sat infront of the 70's TV as Armpit fiddled with the antennas that were placed ontop of the TV.

"Hey, I'm watching that!" Zigzag yelled at Armpit.

"Not today you ain't." Armpit retorted.

"Look, you broke it!" Zigzag said as he hit the top of the TV. I don't think he noticed us walk in. I don't think anyone had. As we walked further into the wreckroom, still looking for the rest of the D tent members, I felt a hand squeeze my butt. In an instant I turned around and threw a punch. He caught my wrist when it was inches away from his face. I didn't who it was at first. Nikki looked quickly turned and she looked like she recognised the person. It was that dude from the day I first got here. He was the one that was sorting out all of the shoes and stuff. I remembered his name. ThLump.

"Oh, look. It's the new girl. I thought it was Chelsie." ThLump said in a mocking tone. I tore my wrist out of his tightening grip.

"If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." I spat. ThLump looked shocked at the fact that I insulted him.

"Oo! New girl's got attitude!"

"Come on, Richie. He's not even worth the calories we burn talking to him." Nikki replied and we both turned away. "I've got it!" Nikki said as she motioned me to follow her. We both walked out of the wreckroom and Nikki checked to see if anyone was listening.


"I know how we could get Mr. P!" She whispered, still looking around with caution.

"Well, spit it out!"

"We need a bucket, and some of that gloopy shit from the kitchen."

"Oh, I get it. We fill the bucket up with the gloopy stuff, put it on top of the door in his office and bam! He's covered!" I whispered, now sure that nobody was listening. Nikki smiled.

"One problem, where are we going to get a bucket?"

"We could ask Magnet."

"Good thinking Richie!" We both walked back into the wreckroom and walked over to Magnet.

"Hey, Magnet. Do you know where we can get a bucket?" I asked with my voice back to normal volume.


"We have a diabolical masterplan, thats why. Now answer the question." Nikki said.

"There should be one in the storage room. What do you mean by 'diabolical masterplan'?" Magnet replied.

"Well, if we told you, it wouldn't be fucking diabolical would it." I answered.

"I was only asking, jeez."

"Hey, Squid. Can I play?" I said as I turned towards Squid.

"Do you know how?"

"Can you teach me?" I smiled at Squid.

"C'mere." Squid grabbed a cue and put his arm around me. It was only to make sure that I was holding the cue properly - but i wasn't one to complain.

"Okay, so you hold it like this and..." He pushed the cue so that it hit the white ball. "there you go." I smiled up at him and he smiled back at me. A few minutes went by and before I knew it, I was playing snooker with Magnet as Squid helped me. I won; i think Magnet was going easy on me though.

Nikki POV

Whilst Richie had her little game of Snooker with Magnet, I walked over to El who was sat at a table with a few other boys.

"Hey." I said as I put my arm on Elyar's shoulder.

"Who the heck is she?" One of the boys said. He had blonde straight hair that went down to his shoulders that was paired with bright blue eyes.

"I'm his sister, now move your ass over."

"Actually, I need to talk to you." Elyar said as he stood up and walked into a corner.

"Okay. What?"

"I want to move tents."

"Why? What'd they say?"

"It's not what they said, Nikki."

"What is it then?"

"I had a picture of mom and I in my pocket. And on the second night here, I took it out of my pocket and ThLump being the little shit that he is. Took it out of my hand and started mocking me." I cut him off with a hug before he could say any more.

"Are you sure?" I said as I pulled away from the hug.


"You'll have to ask the warden then, but I would ask your councillor first."

"I will ask him tomorrow night, after this therapy thing that I have to go to." I smiled at him.

"Okay, but don't get angry if they don't let you."

"Don't worry." Elyar said as he walked back to the table he was sat at before. I decided to go and sit next to Zigzag again as he still concentrated on the broken television. I sat down next to him and he put his arm around me. I lay my head on his chest as he still concentrated on the TV. I didn't know what was on as I couldn't really see the screen properly.

"Hey." He smiled as he took his eyes off of the TV and turned to me.

"Hey." I smiled back at him.

"We still didn't get to finish that game of 20 questions." Zigzag broke the silence after about a minute.

"Okay, I'll go first. Erm... what's your favourite movie?" I asked.

"Easy, Grown Ups. What's yours?"

"Um... It's between Underworld: Awakening and The Lucky One."

"I didn't imagine you as being one for dramas."

"Nobody does." People began to leave the wreckroom and head back to their tents, but Ziggy and I decided to stay for a little while. After about an hour long conversation about the tiniest things, we decided that it was time to head back to the tent.

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