Chapter 28 - Richie's nickname

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Nikki POV

Richie and I had just gotten back to the tent after our showers and we got changed. I was sat in an oversized t-shirt and a pair of leggings with my hair dripping wet. Bet you I looked perfect. Richie was wearing her tracksuit bottoms and a vest top and she had her hair tied up in a ponytail. She grabbed her bag and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter.

"Be back in a bit." Richie said as she headed towards the tent flap.

"What are you doing. You'll get caught." I blurted out before she could leave the tent.

"Since when were you one to worry about getting in trouble. Please don't say you're turning all goody-two-shoes on me now." Richie joked. "And, do you really think I'm that stupid to smoke out in the open. The tents in enough trouble already without me adding more punishments."

"I don't know!" I said as I realized that it had never really bothered me that much before. "I guess I just don't want the tent to get into more trouble because of us and then be even more pissed off with us than they already are."

"Well, I'm going. Whether you like it or not." I sighed in defeat and layed back on my cot - thinking of how much we had actually fucked up. We didn't only end up basically throwing away eighteen months of our lives, we finally made other friends then managed to piss them off so much that they didn't even want to talk to us any more. Elyar and I had ended up in here because of being hungry, scared and sick of all of the shit that we were getting. Look at Richie! She got in here for throwing a boot at someone! Then accidentally knocking them out without knowing (atleast I think it was without knowing.) Oh well. They always say 'live your life to the fullest.

After about another 5 minutes the bell went off and I headed to the mess hall. Time for food.

I looked at the food in disgust once it was dropped onto my silver tray. It honestly looked like a cat had just shit in the kitchen and they decided to use the cat shit as a pathetic at food.

I shot a glance at the table where Squid and everyone were sitting, gaining a few confused glares back, then went and sat with El and all of his friends were. Unfortunate for me, ThLump just happened to be one of those 'friends'. But anything was better than the awkward silence I would have had to sit through instead. And if there wasn't awkward silence there would be an apology and I'm not very good with accepting/giving apologies. I always find a way to fuck an apology up without even knowing it.

"Hey, how is my little gremlin?" I said as I sat down next to El and ruffled his hair. All of his friends looked at me like I was some sort of alien freak and I returned the look with a fuck-off smile. They all looked back down at their trays and continued their conversation that consisted of multiple questions. Such as; what the fuck is she doing here? Isn't she meant to be sat over there? And, when will she go away?

"Hi, why you not sitting over there?" El asked as he ate his slice of bread. Yes, I saw you avoid that question Elyar Michael Richards.

"Lets just say there was a minor disagreement." I replied. Richie walked into the Mess Hall and got her food. "So..." I sighed. "Who's your little friends?"

"Oh, umm... this is Alex, Maxie, George, Lewis, Jack, and i guess you've already met Lump." I scowled at ThLump then looked back at my tray. I really didn't feel hungry but if I didn't eat now, I would be hungry later on and I wouldn't get any more food until tomorrow. Plus, I had no more food left - unless you can count a handful of Pixy Stix and some haribos count as food. I looked over to Richie who had just gotten her spoon and slice of bread. Luckily, she saw me and I motioned her to sit next to me. She did.

 "Hey." She smiled at me as she sat down and began eating her slice of bread. She then noticed that ThLump was there too and set a scowl his way.

"Where is Feists and Richie?" I heard Mr. Pendanski ask D tent. Mine and Richies eyes widened and we quickly ran towards D tents table with our trays.

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