Chapter 22 - Sunflower seeds

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Nikki POV

I had spent just over a week in this shitty little place in the middle of, oh yeah, nowhere! But atleast Richie was here now. The bell rung at the same time it rings every morning - 4am. However, this time, Richie jumped out of bed and started getting ready as soon as the bell went. I was actually really surprised. Richie wasn't the type for getting up early to go dig a five foot hole. But then again, who is?

I pulled on my everyday jumpsuit and a Black Veil Brides t-shirt and combat boots. Waiting for Richie then we walked to get our honey tortillas and shovels. Richie picked up the shovel with the orange tape around it; I noticed that it was a little smaller than the rest. X-ray walked up to her and snatched the shovel out of her hands and threw another shovel on the ground next to her feet.

"You picked up X-ray's shovel. Magnet said as he and Squid walked towards us. "It's smaller than the rest of them."

"Smaller shovel, smaller hole." Squid said between bites of his honey tortilla. We both gave him a weird look then looked at each other. I could tell we were thinking the same - 'it's only a shovel'. We both shook our heads and headed off to the desert. It was like we were in sync.

"Hey." Ziggy said to me as he caught up with us.

"Hey." I replied as I could feel my cheeks getting hotter. Since 'the kiss' things had been quite awkward between us. We still talked but we kept blushing as soon as one of us said 'hi'.

"Listen, about..." I dropped my shovel and cut him off with a hug, and he hugged me back tighter. I smiled.

"So you aren't mad at me for kissing you?" Ziggy asked as he pulled away from the hug.

"How could I be mad at you?" I smiled as I picked up my shovel and Ziggy put his free arm around my waist as we walked over towards the desert.

Zigzag POV

After Feists and I kissed, we hadn't really talked much. Was she angry with me? Did she like me? If she did, she was really good at hiding it. She had been avoiding me for the past few days after everyone saw us kiss. Only Squid knew that I liked her. Squid was pretty much the only person I trusted in this camp. Don't get me wrong! I do trust X and everyone. Just not as much as I trust Squid. I didn't know what it was. He just told me everything and I told him everything with the confidence that he wouldn't tell a soul.

I loved Feists. The way her deep brown eyes reflected everything infront of her. The way her smile creeped across her face when she realized that her best friend was being sent to this shit hole made me feel so happy. The way her blonde hair floated in the wind was... mesmerizing.

I saw Feists and Richie getting their shovels and Richie picked up X-ray's shovel. I watched X walk up to them and snatch the smaller shovel out of Richie's bare hands and throw the one he had picked up onto the sandy, desert floor. I could barely contain myself for laughing. Everyone new that came to this camp always picked up X's shovel at some point and they always got the same mini-speech from Squid and Magnet. As the queue to get a shovel grew smaller I saw Squid walk up to Richie. What did he always say to the new people when they picked up X-ray's shovel again? Oh, yeah. 'Smaller shovel, smaller hole.'

As soon as I got my shovel, I grabbed my honey tortilla and I walked over to Feists and Richie as they brushed their delicate feet along the ground.

"Hey." I said as I approached them.

"Hey." Feists replied as her cheeks went a little redder than usual.

"Listen, about..." I began but I was cut off by a tight hug as Nikki's shovel slashed through the morning air and landed on the ground. "So you aren't mad at me for kissing you?" I asked as Nikki pulled away from the hug.

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