Chapter 30 - Kitchen Duty.

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Nikki POV

Well, it was time. Time for the thing that I had been dreading for the whole day. The time where I would be cooped up in a hot, stuffy kitchen either cleaning dishes or serving the glop to the rest of these unfortunate delinquents. Kitchen duty. Ziggy and I were standing in the mess hall waiting for Mr. Pendanski to tell us where we will be working for the next hour and a half. Yey.

"Zigzag, Feists, you will be working in the back, washing the dishes and mopping the floor when everyone has gone back to their tents." Mr. Pendanski said. his boots brushed against the wooden floor as he walked towards us.

I sighed.

"If you didn't want to end up with kitchen duty, you shouldn't have pranked the warden now, should you?"

"It was a mistake. We were meant to prank you anyways." I mumbled the last bit in the hope that Mr. Pendanski wouldn't hear.

"It was some pretty big mistake then." Thank the lord, he must not have heard me. That, or he was just choosing not to answer to that part of what I had said. Either way, I was happy because I probably wasn't going to get any shit from him because of it. He lead us to the back of the kitchen as people got ready for the bell to go off.

"You will use this hose to wash the trays." He said as he pointed towards a metal hose that was hanging from the ceiling and had a huge metal sink below it. "You will wash the cutlery in this sink here." Mr. Pendanski pointed towards a smaller sink that was opposite the bigger sink. Were we going to have to wash all of these dishes by ourselves? I hope not.

Once the bell went off for dinner, Ziggy and I had to wait until someone was finished eating so that we had some dishes to wash. Which was unfortunate. I just wanted to get out of that kitchen as fast as I could. I just wanted to get away from Camp Green Lake. I didn't want to go home, if I went home, I would probably be forced into marriage as soon as I turned eighteen.

"So, what made you guys actually want to prank Mr. Pendanski?" Ziggy asked as I awkwardly stood there. You would think that I would be okay around him now. But I still feel scared in case I say something wrong and he ends up not talking to me. What if I embarrass him or mention something that he doesn't like to talk about by accident? What if that happens and he never wants to talk to me again? As these questions swarmed through my head, I hadn't realized that Squid was still waiting for a reply.

"Umm... I don't know. I guess I just wanted to get him back after what happened with her storming out and everything. We were only trying to have a bit of fun." I replied, only knowing that I was bored and I wanted to get revenge. I would have done the prank without Richie, but I've never pranked anyone without her. For all I know, we could have been kicked out! Not that that would have been all that bad, but we wouldn't see anyone again. And what would happen to Elyar? Would he just stay here, or would he be kicked out too? Nah, they would probably just keep him here. Whilst more and more questions began to form in my head (such as, what would happen to me and Richie if we did get kicked out? What would happen when we left?)  someone put their dirty tray and spoon down on the bench. I slowly daudled over to it and picked up the tray and the spoon.

"Why don't I wash the trays and you wash the spoons?" Ziggy asked.

"Oh hell no! There's less chance of me touching the food in the water." Ziggy chuckled as he walked over to the smaller sink and began to wash the spoon. I picked up the tray and realized that this would be harder than I thought. How the fuck do you work this machine?

"Umm... Ziggy?" He turned around and smiled. "How do you work this?" His expression darkened and he walked over and pressed the on button. "Oh." He walked back over to the smaller sink and continued to wash the small spoon. 'That was weird.' I thought to myself but I brushed the thought aside and began to wash the metal tray.

About half way through dinner, Zigzag wanted to swap and, to be honest, I was tired of washing trays. So we swapped jobs.

-Half an hour later-

 Zigzag POV

We had just swapped jobs about 30 minutes ago and everyone was finishing their dinner so there was a lot of dishes to wash. I had at least 10 dirty trays piled up on the counter by the time Nikki was almost finished. She was just cleaning up when I got an idea. I had about three trays left and Nikki was wiping the counter with a dishcloth. Time to put my little plan into action. I picked up the hose and turned around as fast as I could and aimed for her back. She squealed as the water hit her and turned around at the speed of light.

"What the fuck?!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Only trying to have a bit of fun." I mimicked what she had said earlier. I think she noticed because she let out a little laugh. Nikki's eyes shot to the sink next to me and a smirk trailed across her face. It dawned on me what she was thinking of doing and I gave her a pleading look, preparing for the water to hit me as 'payback'. Nikki did as I expected her to, and picked up the hose and aimed it at me. I braced myself for the water that was going to be blasted at my face any time now. Nikki pressed the on button and the water came gushing out as if a volcano had exploded and the water was the lava. After about thirty seconds of me having water hit me full blast, Nikki finally showed me some mercy and turned the hose off. By the time the water had fully stopped, Nikki and I were in stitches. And, only then, I realized how cute and amazing her laugh was. Another thing to add to the list of things I like about her.

"Paybacks a bitch." Nikki said once she had eventually calmed down enough to speak.

"Oh really?" I blasted her with the hose again and we ended up having a full blown water fight in the back of the kitchen. By the end we were laughing our heads of so much, we didn't even realize that we had a huge pile of trays and spoons to wash. But we didn't care. In fact, we couldn't care less.

Nikki edged closer to me and her eyes darted from my eyes to my lips, then back up to my eyes. I looked down to her lips too;it had been so long since I had last kissed her. We were now inches apart. I reached for her my hand brushing the strand of hair off her cheek as it slides ever so lightly past her ear  my fingers supporting the back of her head as I lean in and passionately place our lips together I can feel her quickly inhale, I pull her body closer and embrace her holding her tightly against me feeling the race of our hearts as one.

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