Chapter 9 - Are you okay?

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"Woah! What happened to your face?" Squid enquired in his texan accent. Zigzag layed me on my cot and told Magnet go get some water.

"ThLump, thats what happened" I muttered. "3 against 1"

"You went to B tent?" X-Ray said.

"Why you sound so shocked?" The words sounded like they were being forced out of my mouth. My face was still throbbing. My head, pounding. I saw Magnet come back in to the tent with a damp cloth in one hand, and a full canteen in the other. I couldn't believe it. My first night and I already got beat up. But just wait til tomorrow.

"Here" Magnet threw the wet cloth to Zigzag and put the canteen next to me. Then sat on his cot. Zigzag put the cold, wet cloth on my eye and tipped my head back again. Blood was still gushing out of my nose.

"So, why'd you wanna go to the B tent, anyway?" Armpit asked.

"Find my brother. I just wanted to see if he was okay" I replied. That was pretty much the only thing I had told the D tent members about my actual life. The fact that I had a brother here. I hadn't told them anything about how I got here or anything like that.

"Your brother's in B tent? God, he's a dead man now!" squid said.

"Who were those bastards anyway?" I choked as I sat up on my cot. I couldn't help it. I didn't want Elyar getting hurt. Zigzag looked at me and saw the tears fill up my eyes again. Not that anyone could see past my fringe that brushed my nose and completely covered my left eye. A tear trailed down my right cheek. He wiped the tear away with his thumb and pulled me into a hug. His arms wrapped around me like a rope as I hugged him back even harder. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach making me feel sick. But it was a good kind of sick. He whispered 'your brother will be okay' in my ear and I smiled the biggest smile ever. I hadn't smiled that much since my mom died. I think he knew I smiled because he hugged me even harder.

"Now, I want you to go get some sleep. Got to be up bright and early in the morning" He whispered again as he let go of me. I smiled at him again and layed back, putting my head onto my cushion.

"Oo! looks like my chica got a crush" Magnet joked.

"Since when was I 'your chica'?"

"Just saying, looks like you got a crush on Ziggy" Magnet said as he looked at me and smiled.

"Oh, shut up, Magnet." Was it really that obvious? Was it that obvious that Magnet could see it? Without another word on the matter, I turned around and closed my eyes. But I couldn't get my mind off how Zigzag had helped me. And how I felt when he hugged me. That feeling that I got when he hugged me. The butterflies came back into my stomach. I closed my eyes and all I could see was his face. Must have been about 5 minutes later, and I was asleep and it was only, what? 9:45? But it had been a long day. And to be honest, all I wanted to do was wake up so that I could see Zigzag's face, instead of just in my head again.

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