Chapter 15 - Don't trust anyone

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Once I had finished my crisps, I walked outside and decided to go back to the wreckroom, hopefully Chelsie would have left by now. I knew my way around camp a little better now since my walk after dinner, but I still, somehow, ended up back outside D tent. I had walked in a complete circle. I decided to walk the other way in the hope of finding the wreckroom, or El. I walked for about another 5 minutes, scraping my feet along the ground with ever single step and dust blowing in my face. I decided to go back to B tent, hoping to find my clumsy, yet acceptable little brother.

I had walked around for quite a while, just looking for Elyar. Thinking of how he could be so stupid because he forgot to make sure that nobody was listening before he told his little friend about our back-story. Now the whole camp knows about us.

Elyar POV

I had just finished digging my first hole, it was extremely tiring. My hands felt like they were about to fall off as all of my blisters were rubbing against each other. It was horrible.

"Hey, Elyar! Over here." Maxie shouted as I threw my shovel towards the shovel library. Maxie was probably one of the only friends I actually had in this shit-hole of a camp.

"Hey, Maxie" ThLump just stood there as if to say that I had better say hello to him too. Ever since the first night here when ThLump beat up Nikki, there had been some tension between us, we gave each other death stares every time we saw eachother. His grotesque face glancing at me as I walked by.

"Your sister's just been in a huge fight with Chelsie you know" Maxie said, ThLump still looking at me as if he was trying to make me explode with his mind.

"Who's Chelsie and WHAT? Is she okay?" I know my sister is tough and all, but last time she was in a fight, even she has to admit, she got the living daylights beat out of her.

"Oh, Chelsie. She's pretty much the toughest girl at the camp, well, out of two." My facial expression darkened.

"Is she okay?" I asked again, my voice slowly getting quieter and quieter.

"I don't know, Chelsie is pretty tough" And with that I stormed off, almost running around the camp to try to find Nikki.

Luckily, I bumped into her and my frantic search came to an end. Her hair was messed up a little and she was wearing a yellow Nirvana t-shirt - her sleeves were tied around her waist. She seemed happy to see me, but she was angry.

"And just what did you think you were doing! Telling the whole of B tent about our past!" She screamed in my face as she stormed towards me. I took a few steps back.

"What? I didn't tell B tent about anything! The only person I told was Maxie and he wouldn't hurt a fly!" I was so confused. How did the everyone in my tent know what I told Maxie?

"And you trusted someone in a detention centre the night you just got here! And how do you think he got into this fucking camp! Huh?" Nikki yelled as she got closer and closer to me. I went silent. I felt like I had humiliated her.

"I-I I'm sorry, I miss you" Nikki agressively pulled me into a hug as the tears began to trail down our cheeks. She hugged me harder as she could probably feel my tears seaping through her t-shirt and onto her shoulder. I didn't want to let her go. I was so used to seeing her 24-7; it had been days since I last saw her. She lay her head on my shoulder as my arms wrapped around her like ropes. I layed my head on her shoulder and we sunk to the ground. I know, you're probably thinking, a brother and sister, hugging? Well considering everything we've been through together, we aren't the type to fight with each other. Yeah, we've had little arguments and not talked for a few hours but thats it. The rest of the time we've been protecting eachother and helping eachother.

"I've missed you too" Nikki whispered in my ear between tears. "But you have to be more careful what you tell people, okay. Don't trust anyone, El" She pulled away from the hug and we got to our feet.

"Okay" I replied as everyone who was in the wreckroom headed back to their tents. "So what happened with that Chelsie girl?"

"She was annoying me. She wouldn't shut up." She shrugged. "Hey, you wanna come back to my tent?"

"Okay" I smiled as we walked towards D tent.

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