Chapter 18 - The New Delinquent

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Nikki POV

I had just gotten back from my first shower at Camp Green Lake. Did I like it? Not particularly. But it was better than walking around with the smell of sweat clinging to me like a blanket. I almost had to sprint back to the tent as I only had on my bikini and a towel. You should have seen the looks that I was getting. To be honest, it was quite disturbing and creepy. I wish I knew what they were thinking. But, then again, I probably wouldn't want to know.

When I got back to the tent, everyone was talking about something - I have no idea what. I heard 'yellow spotted lizards' and 'rattle snakes'.

"Hey feists" X said. I didn't even have to say anything and they all turned around. I pulled on my spongebob pyjamas and got my hairbrush and mirror out of my bag.

"You can turn around now" I began to brush the tats out of my hair and I let it lay on my shoulders to dry by itself.

"So, how are you enjoying camp?" Armpit asked as he lay back on his cot.

"Is that meant to be some sort of joke?" I said as I put the brush and mirror back into my bag.

"You know, this camp isn't that bad, chica" Magnet added.

"Yeah, and maybe the tooth fairy and the easter bunny are real." Magnet laughed at my last remark.

"What was that?" Squid asked as the sound of a car rushed past.

"Fresh meat." Zigzag smiled. Then I realized something. 'It can't be, could it?' I thought to myself. We all ran outside the tent to see the yellow school bus pulling up as people crowded around it. Someone got off the bus. They were wearing a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans, a Fall Out Boy t-shirt and a leather jacket. Their amazing outfit was finished off with a stunning pair of combat boots. I walked closer to the person as I got off of the bus as they seemed familiar. I looked at the person, trying to get a better look at them. They had a cigarette in their hand and they brought it up to their face. The smoke floated out of their mouth as if it were their soul itself. I walked closer before realizing something astonishing. A shocked expression trailed across my face as I realized this amazing thing that filled me with joy. It was a girl. Her butterscotch blonde hair trailed down her back and onto the top of her not very well hidden backpack. 'No. It can't be!'

"Richie?" The girl turned around. It was. "Richie!" I cried as I attacked her with a hug. She seemed to recognise me as she hugged me back.

"Here, take this back to your tent" Richie whispered as she tore the backpack off of her back and passed it to me. "Don't look inside, or I will be forced to kill you" She smiled. She must have had the same idea.

"Don't worry. I'm not stupid." I whispered back then ran back to the tent.

Richie POV

I found myself sat on an old yellow school bus with hand cuffs gluing me to the seat and my backpack underneath the metal that was holding me and the seat up. I had just finished the bus ride to this hell-hole which was surrounded by more holes. When I was on the bus, I rested my head on the window, but unfortunately for me, I had made the mistake of leaving the window open once we got to the desert. As we got closer and closer to the camp, I saw more and more orange all-in-ones and more and more holes. When the bus stopped, the wind blew, and some dust got blown onto my face as the window was still open. I coughed as the dust attacked my throat.

"Thanks" I muttered as I passed the bus driver who looked like he needed a break. He just grunted and turned away. Once I stepped off the bus, a flood of orange with the occasional other colour surrounded me and the bus. The security guard took off the hand cuffs that had tied me to the seat on the bus and there were white marks where they had been. I just decided to let it go and I pulled out my lighter and lit a cigarette. I brought the butt of the cigarette towards my mouth and let the smoke flood my mouth.

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