Chapter 4 - The bus ride to hell

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After the hearing, we were pissed off. Very pissed off. But we had to go home (if you could even call it that) and pack. The bus would be here in a few hours. I think the person I would miss most was Richie. Richie was my best friend. She was honest, reliable, but above all, she knew exactly what I was going through. Now, she didn't exactly have an abusive dad, a mother who died and hardly anyone speaking to her. But she did get abandoned. Yeah, when she was born, her mother and father didn't want her and nobody came to claim her at the hospital - so they sent her to an orphanage. She knows nothing about them. Not even their names. But, luckily she got adopted. And on her 15th birthday, her adoption mother and father (Karen and John) told her that she was going to have an arranged marriage with some Bulgarian dude. And she didn't even know the guy! Obviosly, she did the expected, at first she just sucked it up and took every day as it came. Then she changed. So she ended up rebelling against her family. You know, doing all of the stuff like stealing and shit like that. Sometimes, I think it's my fault she turned out like that...

I ran downstairs after a few minutes to get some things, e.g. food, drinks and knifes as weapons if I ever needed them. My brother still had his pocket knife though. I'm surprised the court didn't take it as evidence. I'm sure they said why they didn't take it somewhere in that whole conversation. I wasn't really listening after the '18 months in Camp Green Lake' bit, or however long we had there.

My father was nowhere to be seen. He might have went out to the shop to get some more booze with the money he no longer had. Wherever he was, I knew I wouldn't have long to get my bag sorted so he didn't see. For some reason, I still crept along the wooden, still blood-stained, death trap I like to call it. The sofa, still having the imperfect butt print holding the memories of my father watching the football game with a beer/vodka in his slightly wrinkled, middle-aged hand. His fingers wrapped around it like an elastic band. -Shouting at me and El, telling us to shut up. The T.V. was placed right infront of the sofa. I loathed that T.V., It stole my father away from me. My father didn't used to be the way he is, you know. He used to be a kind, caring person with a slight Dr Pepper addiction. But ever since the family started getting further and further away from us, one by one, never seeing us again, he slowly lost it; he began to use me and El as his own personal fighting dummies. Because, what could we do? If we did anything wrong he would just hit us or worse.

I finally reached the kitchen door. That was the only thing that hadn't been destroyed or replaced in this hell hole. The dark, wooden frame had seen everything. The neverending fights, the heartbreak, even the feeling of abandonment. I had finally reached the fridge. To my luck, my father still had some vodka left, don't worry, i'm 16. Plus, when he goes to the shop for more drink, he always gets two packs and drinks two bottles on his way home. He would have never known the difference. Along with the vodka, I also took some whipped cream. Then I attacked the cupboard, and with me, I took 5 normal sized packets of Lays chips. Then I ran as fast as I could back to my room before father got back. Almost dropping a bag of chips on my way there. I felt like I'd just commited a crime. You know when you get a really big adrenaline rush for no apparent reason. Thats the feeling I had.

"El, go get some food from our drawer whilst I change my clothes." I yelled as he ran to the drawer inbetween our beds. I like to call that drawer 'the-death-wish-drawer.' Why? Because if anyone else apart from me or Elyar touches that drawer, we will kill them. Or make them wish they were dead then send them on their way. Elyar came back and dumped everything we had in that drawer on my bed. Haribo's, Hershey's chocolate bars, Nerds, pretty much anything you could think of. I shoved everything in my black Guns n' Roses back pack. Including my favourite sea blue bikini. Then I got my best top - a New York to L.A. t-shirt - the skinniest black jeans I could find, my bright blue converse, and to top it all off, my leather jacket. I know we weren't going anywhere special, but first impressions are a big thing for me. They can make people either like you, or be completely terrified by you. And I was determined to make people be terrified by me. It was the only way i would survive. It's the only way I survive anything. Just as the bus pulled up, I grabbed my phone off my bed and said goodbye to the room I was almost always in, the room I grew up in.

As soon as El and I got out of the door, we were handcuffed and the security guard shoved our bag under our seat, two rows away from the front where the bus driver sat. As the old school bus slowly pulled away from the street that held many of my memories. They weren't good memories, but they were memories, a tear rolled down my cheek. But why was I crying. It wasn't like I was going to miss the place!

A few hours into the bus ride, I really needed a drink. But I couldn't open my bag. The security guard would see everything inside. I guess I would have to do what Richie did for most of the last year, suck it up. After another five minutes, we reached a desert. Where the heck were we? The hand cuffs began to rub against my wrists and I could see that El was getting irratated too. He doesn't like sitting doing nothing for this long. He needs to do something. I don't know what it is. He's just like that. I tried to look into the security guards eyes, but they were shielded by some jet black ray bans. I could feel that he was watching me though.

The bus began to slow down a little and when I looked out of the dusty window, I saw a lot of holes and orange jump suits. Only one girl was in sight. She slowly turned around. No! It couldn't be! I refuse to believe it! It was my arch enemy, Chelsie. She put me through hell and back. I began to think 'why did we pick this place again?' but then again, we are all just a bunch of delinquents, according to the judge and everyone else. The bus finally came to a halt. and the security guard got the silver key for the handcuffs and took them off us. When I stood up, my legs were stiff, my arms were stiff, I felt the worst I ever had. As we walked off the bus I heard some whistles. But I just ignored them and walked up to the most trustworthy looking people there. One was very tall, he had frizzy blonde hair (I guess the humidity is bad for everyones hair) and blue eyes. The other was a little bit smaller, he had brown hair which was covered in a bandana and a cap. I shoved my bag into the smaller one and he looked at me as if to say 'why the heck are you giving me this?'

"Listen, take this back to your tent, don't look in it, and don't let anyone else see it, okay? I will come find you after I have been assigned to wherever I have to go" I exclaimed still not letting go of my prescious bag until one of them replied.

"And what if we do look in it? You won't know" The smaller one replied, although he was still taller than me. I was only 5.6 and he looked as if he were 5.9.

I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down to my height. "Yes, I will know because I know where everything is in that bag and I have memorised everything I put in there. And lets just say, if you touch anything inside it, you will have me and my brother to face." I let go of my bag and he and his friend hurried off to their tent. I watched him to see where they went and what tent he went into. Unfortunately, I can't see around corners, so all I knew was that he turned right.

I finally hurried after my brother who was now heading into a hut. That must have been where that security guard went too.

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