Chapter 26 - punishment

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Nikki POV

It didn't seem like I had had an hours sleep before the bell went off telling us to get our arses out of bed. People in this camp don't understand that I need my sleep

"Come on, Nikki. Get up. Every ones almost ready." Ziggy said as he tried to pull me out of my cot.

"No! I'm tired! Wake me up in another hour!" I groaned as I pulled the blanket over my head.

"Nikki, lllget your ass out of bed!" Ziggy tried to persuade me more. But I put the pillow over my head in the hope that he would let me sleep.

"Ahh! Spider!" Richie shreaked. As soon as I heard the word 'spider' I shot up. I wouldn't say that I have a phobia of spiders but they creep me out.

"Knew that would get you up." Richie smiled; in response I threw my pillow at her and got a t-shirt out of my bag.

"Hey! Don't be mad at me! I just didn't want to end up having to explain to Mr. Sir why you weren't digging." Richie said as her and Ziggy left the tent and I began to get ready. Within 2 minutes I was ready and I walked out of the tent, grabbed my shovel and ate my honey tortilla. Just before everyone was about to leave and start digging, Mr. Pendanski came out of his office. However, it was a different hut to the one that Richie and I put the bucket in last night.

"Hey, why's Mr. P coming out of the warden's office?" Richie nudged me.

"I don't know..." I replied. About 2 seconds later, the warden came storming out of what we thought was Mr. Pendanski's office, and she was covered in the green stuff that we filled the bucket with. "Shit!" Mine and Richie's eyes went wide when we realized that we pranked the warden instead of Mr. Pendanski.

"May I speak with Richie and Feists." The warden bellowed. I sighed and Richie and I slowly walked over to the warden.

"Come with me." The warden said. I looked back at D tent and they looked at us with concerned faces. Once we were just about to enter the wardens office, all of the councillors took their allocated tents to the spots that they had been digging. We followed the warden into her office and she sat down.

"Did you two do this?" Richie and I tried to restrain ourselves from laughing. "Well?"

"No." Richie mumbled. "No... Ma'am?"

"Don't lie to me!" You could practically see the steam coming out of th warden's ears. "Now, who is responsible for this?"

"You tell me." I said as I looked up from the floor and looked at the warden. Refusing to look at her eyes.

"Excuse me?" The warden replied, immediately making me regret my words.

"We are. B-but, it was a mistake. I swear!" I said. The warden's eyes were filled with rage; there was no getting out of this, was there?

"I don't care if it was a mistake or not. You will still have to be punished in some way..." the warden paused. She was probably thinking of a suitable punishment for us. Oh, how I wished we had planned this prank a bit better. How on earth did we get the offices mixed up? How could we be so stupid? "2 weeks if kitchen duty. The whole tent." The warden continued, putting emphasis on the word 'whole'. The smirks completely wiped off of our faces when we heard that the whole tent was being punished because of our stupidity. "You will be given your schedule when you come back from digging. Mr. Sir will escort you to where the rest of your tent are. You may go." And with that, Richie and I were out of there faster than you can say dig.

When we got out of the wardens office, Mr. Sir was waiting for us by the water truck.

"Get in." Mr. Sir said. We didnt hesitate to get in the worn down truck. Problem being, there was only one passenger seat. Richie and I decided that we would just have to share the shotgun seat and, let me tell you, it was anything but comfortable. For most of the two minute ride I was trying to hold myself up so I didnt fall onto Mr. Sir and get into more trouble than we were already in.

After the two minutes if hell that Richie and I just had to experience, we finally could get out of the water truck. But, to be honest, the last people I wanted to see right now, were D tent. That was just because of the fact that we would have to explain and once we told them that they were being forced to do kitchen duty because of us, they would probably be pretty pissed off.

"Look who finally decided to show up ." X-ray said as he pushed his shovel into the dirt and rested his arm on the handle. I looked at him and smiled bluntly before walking over to where Mr. Sir had told me to dig. Lucky for me, Richie was digging only about a metre away.

"What happened?" Ziggy asked, curiously.

"Right, before we tell you anything, it was an accident. And in our defence, it was basically pitch black and we could hardly see anything." Richie started. It was true though, last night we could only see the outlines of things and wherever Richie shon the flashlight. Plus, there was no signs to tell us whose office it was and we had only been here for just over a week. "But, umm... we went out to prank Mr. Pendanski and get him back for being such a dick." By this point, everyone had stopped digging to listen to what happened. "And... we went into the mess hall and filled a bucket up with the green stuff from last night when everyone was eating. And we sort of, kind of, got the offices mixed up and ended up pranking the warden instead." Richie gave me a 'you tell them the next part' look. Yeah, give ne the worst bit to tell them.

"And?" Squid asked. Richie and exchanged looks and she nodded.

A nervous laugh escaped my lips. "Funny story. We got kitchen duty. The schedule will be dropped off when we get back." I said as I looked to the floor. I could feel everyone staring at me and no doubt they were staring at Richie too. Damn, I felt guilty.

"Wait. Schedule? So the whole tent has to do kitchen duty?" Stanley asked. I stil hadnt gone back to calling him by his nickname, even Richie called him by his nickname. I just didnt see the point. He lost the right to his nickname my second day here.

"Yes, Stanley. The whole tent." I muttered the last bit; everyone still heard me though. I coukd feel every single member of the tent staring daggers at me. I brushed it off and continued digging. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't talk to us for the rest of the day, it's understandable. I mean, if i were them, I wouldn't want to talk to me or Richie  either. But they have to understand that it wasn't our fault. Well, it was. But it was a mistake.

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