Chapter 5 - Welcome to Camp Green Lake

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"I am Mr. Sir." The boss man (I think) said. "ThLump, pass me a medium and a small. What size shoes do you two punks take?"

"6" I replied.

"5" El replied.

"Here you go, you each have two jumpsuits. One for work, one for relaxation. After three days, your work clothes will be washed and your relaxation clothes become your work clothes. Get it? Got it? Good." Mr Sir said in his already extremely annoying voice. I just stood there, waiting for them to leave.

"Have you ever heard of privacy?" I bellowed and Mr Sir, the security guard,'ThLump' and El left the hut. I decided to keep on my vest top, but i took off my jeans and tied the sleeves of the jumpsuit around my waist. I could see a strange looking man standing outside the door with Mr. Sir and El. I had to kind of signal them to tell them that they could come in.

"Hello..." The strange man said that was stood next to Mr Sir. Another annoying voice I would have to deal with (I still couldn't stop laughing at that name. Mr. Sir.) "I am Mr Pendanski. My names easy enough to remember because it's three words. Pen. Dance. Key. Let me just say, just because you two are here, it doesn't mean that you are bad people. Now come with me and I will explain everything about camp green lake."

El and I exchanged looks.

"What a retard!" El said looking at me then looking at Mr. Pendanski.

"Hey, atleast his stare doesn't have a liscence to kill" I replied. We both laughed and caught up to Mr Pendanski.

"Now, Elyar. Do you see any fences?" Mr Pendanski asked.

"No." I didn't know if that was meant to be a rhetorical question but El replied anyway.

"How about any barbed wires?" Okay, his voice was really starting to annoy me and to be honest I just wanted to find my bag and have a drink. Mr Pendanski opened up the bottle of coke Mr Sir must have gave him. The fizzing noise torturing me and I could see El pull his hands into fists. I nudged him and he relaxed a little.

"What if we're in different tents?" El whispered, looking at me with concern.

"We won't be" I whispered back. "Hopefully" I muttered under my breath. El looked down. Obviously he had heard me. Mr Pendanski was still going on about what would happen if we ran off into the desert and how we would be better off just staying here.

"Now, any questions?" He turned around and we looked at him as if to say 'sure, we've been listening this entire time...'

"Where's the lake? This shitty camp must be called Camp Green LAKE for a reason." I replied, not actually trying to be rude, but sometimes what I say comes out a different way.

"Don't try to be cocky with me young lady! And watch your language!" Mr Pendanski bellowed. Great, i've not even been here a day and I already learned how to piss off one of the councillors. Just peachy. "Now, you will be in B tent, Elyar. I hope you get settled in quickly. And you nicole..."

"Wait. WHAT! No! We can't be in different tents! He needs me, and I need him!" I interrupted. I had lived with Elyar my whole life. He's the only person that completely understood me. Not even Richie fully understood everything that El and I have been through.

"It's not my decision. It's the warden's decision. If you want to talk to someone about it to get something done about it. I would go see the warden tomorrow." I just stared at him in disgust. I gave him a full on death stare and I could tell that it made him uncomfortable. "Now," Mr Pendanski said looking away and walking towards whatever tent I was in. "You will be in D tent" from what I could see, it was a lot further away from B tent than I thought. My Pendanski opened up the flap and walked into the tent as I followed him. "This is, Rex, Theodore, Ricky, Alan, José, Stanley and Zero.

"Yo! It's X-ray, Armpit, Zigzag, Squid, Magnet and Caveman." Rex replied, I'm going to have to get used to these nicknames.

Do you know why we call him Zero?" I shrugged. "Because there's nothing inside his stupid little head."

"He probably just doesn't want to answer to stupid people like you." I replied slowly looking around to see if that dude I gave my bag to was here - To my luck he was. Everyone except Zero looked at me in astonishment. Heck, I was already on Mr Pendanski's bad side, nothing I could do to get out of it now.

"Anyway, I hope that you boys will look after Nicole..."

"Nikki." I interrupted again, really annoyed. I'm sorry, but I hate my name so might aswell have a nickname for it.

"...and help Nikki with anything. I haven't showed her around camp yet, so hopefully one of you boys will be willing to help her find her way around." I aimed a mischievious smile towards Mr. Pendanski as they all nodded their heads excitedly - is that a good thing or a bad thing? I guess I will have to find out.

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