Chapter 27 - Ignored

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X-ray POV

After about another hour and a half of silent digging (thanks Richie and Feists) I was finally almost finished. You could tell that everyone was pissed off with having to do kitchen duty when we didn't even know what Richie and Feists were doing last night.  I didn't want to get involved, so I just stayed out of it. But somehow, we all end up being punished.

Zero and Caveman only had a few more shovels left. I still couldn't believe that Zero was helping Caveman dig his hole. Nobody else got help but we still managed. What is so special about Caveman? If you ask me, he's just another one of us. Someone whose been put in here for doing whatever. Or as Mr. Sir, Mr. Pendanski and The Warden put it, delinquents.

"Hey, look a cloud." Squid said after about another 5 minutes of unbearable silence. "Right there." He pointed at the cloud. Everyone squinted and looked up to the sky where a perfectly white cloud was placed.

"Maybe it'll move in front of the sun." Zigzag said as he wiped the sweat off of his brow.

"Yeah, and maybe it'll rain for forty days and forty nights." Armpit added sarcastically.

"And we can get two rattlesnakes, two scorpions, two yellow-spotted lizards." I chuckled at my little remark and began digging. Everyone laughed along with me. Except Feists and Richie. They just continued digging, having a quiet conversation between themselves. Zero jumped into his hole and continued digging himself. He was actually almost done. I would give it another fifteen minutes and he would be jumping out of a five foot hole, spitting in it, then probably heading towards the showers or helping Caveman finish off digging his hole then heading to the showers with him.

*Ten minutes later*

Nikki POV

I looked up, only to see everyone else getting out of their holes and lining up to get lunch. As usual, lunch consisted of a baloney sandwich, a Graham cracker, and an apple. As usual, I lined up, but Richie and I stayed at the back and continued our conversation.

"Did you see her face?" Richie laughed as everyone grabbed their food and the line began to go down until it was mine and Richie's turns.

"I know! I actually think I saw steam coming out of her ears!"

"The schedule is in your tent." Mr. Sir rudely interrupted. Jeez, and people say I have no manners!

Once Richie and I had got our food, we sat in our holes and ate our food. Everyone left about an hour after that and Richie and I were left in the boiling hot sun. I still had to dig atleast another two feet too. Could this day get any worse?

 Richie POV

----------Two hours later----------

It was around 4:00pm and Nikki and I had just finished digging. X had finally started talking to us but whenever we had a conversation it was really awkward and I just knew that he was still pissed off with Nikki and I. What can you do? Nobody else was talking to us, though. I would keep getting we-need-to-talk looks of Squid but I wasn't going to be the one that came running back to him. Why can't they just understand that it was an accident?

Nikki and I finally got back to the tent only to see that nobody was there and the schedule was layed on my bed.

Week 1

Monday         - Zigzag                Feists

Tuesday        - Caveman          Zero

Wednesday  - Richie              Feists

Thursday       - X-ray                Magnet

Friday              - Armpit            Zigzag

Saturday        - X-ray                Zero

Sunday            - Squid              Zigzag

Week 2

Monday           - Caveman       Fiests

Tuesday          - Armpit            Magnet

Wednesday    - Squid              Richie

Thursday        - X-ray               Richie

Friday               - Squid              Armpit

Saturday         - Richie              Fiests

Sunday             - Caveman      Zero        Magnet

"So we start tomorrow." I said sarcastically. "Great." I sighed.

"Ugh!" Nikki groaned. "How the fuck am I meant to last how ever long it takes to do kitchen duty with Stanley!"

"Come on, it won't be that bad. Just try to avoid talking then you won't end up saying anything to him and he can't annoy you as much." I replied.

"I'm going for a shower." Nikki muttered then changed into her bikini - as did I - and we headed towards the showers.

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