Chapter 32 - The Fight

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Nikki's POV

I felt so sorry for Richie. I mean, how could you not feel sorry for her? She basically got everything she loved taken away from her in a matter of seconds. Her whole life had went from being okay, to being hell!

Richie and I had been in the tent for about twenty minutes now and everyone still wasnt back from the wreckroom. I had tried to keep Richie's mind off going back to the orphanage and loosing most of the people she loved. Nothing worked. She was sat there, on her cot, crying her heart out. And I didn't really know what to do. I was sat hugging her, trying to comfort her and tell her everything would work out - but, lets face it, I'm no good at re-assuring people whatsoever. I just find it awkward and end up saying something that makes the situation even worse.

"You want to go for a walk?" I asked in the hope that it would help keep her mind off of things.

"Sure" she said just above a whisper. I smiled and we got up and walked out of the tent. We walked past the wreckroom and we decided to turn around and go into the wreckroom. We sat down in front of the TV as nobody was sitting there. Everyone was either stood talking in their groups, laying pool or listening to the radio. Richie and I sat in silence as we attempted to figure out what was on the TV.

"Hey." A voice said from behind us. We hesitantly turned around to see ThLump stood behind us, smirking.

"What do you want?" I said in a monotone voice as I turned away from him to look back at the television.

"You know, Richie. I saw a letter in the trashcan and it was for you." Richie's smile faded as she obviously knew what letter he was talking about. "You should have really kept that letter with you. You wouldn't want anyone reading about that 'arranged marriage' now, would you?" Richie's hands turned into fists as those words hit her. "Oh, and how horrible is it having to go back to that orphanage you were in again?" I tried to hold in my anger as he mentioned the orphanage. He knows nothing about that place, yet he thinks he can make jokes about it? Tears were starting to form in Richie's eyes as she remembered the horrible memories about her dreadful past. "I thought..."

"You're a real ass. You know that, right?" Richie muttered. Richie has never been one for crying in front of people she hates. She thinks that it shows weakness.

"Oh, so you don't want anybody to know that you are going to be replaced by your so-called 'family'?" ThLump shouted loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone's heads whipped around to ThLump, Richie and I.

"Give me that letter." Richie gritted her teeth in an attempt to hold in her anger. I could tell that she was finding it hard not to lash out at him because she was clenching her fists to hard that you could see her knuckles turning white.

"What you gonna do? I could easily tell everyone here that you were being used to keep some stupid promise that was made whilst your real mommy and daddy were dropping you off at that orphanage." He began talking to her like she was a little kid and even I could feel my blood starting to boil. A crowd began to form, but the D-Tent boys were nowhere to be seen. Either that, or I just couldn't see them. Before anyone knew it, Richie was punching and kicking ThLump so hard I'm surprised he didn't pass out. See, Richie and I used to do boxing together and we were the top students; that was until we accidentally almost killed someone whilst fighting with them and got kicked out.

ThLump finally came to his senses and began punching Richie in the face and the stomach. Her nose began to bleed and blood was spilling out of her mouth as ThLump was clearly a lot stronger than her and wasn't afraid to hit a girl. This was what tipped me over the edge. Not ThLump not being afraid to hit a girl, the fact that he wasn't showing any mercy whereas if ThLump had started to have blood coming out of his mouth Richie would have stopped and walked away. Obviously I wasn't going to let Richie go down without a fight so I jumped in and helped her. ThLump wasn't showing any mercy, so why should I?

I began circling ThLump who, might I add, moved damn fast. So fast that half the time, I nearly missed when I went to hit him. Richie could see what I was doing and began circling him too but in the opposite direction. Then he hit me. He punched me in the mouth and I felt pain rush through my right cheek. The taste of blood flooded my taste-buds. Mine and Richie's bodies seemed to react entirely on their own, without conscious thought. I slid to my right, opposite to the direction that I had been circling ThLump as he went to hit me again. ThLump's fist missed me by two or three centimetres as I jumped back, not wanting to be punched again. But not wanting to give up.

My hand sped towards ThLump's face but he threw a block with his left hand, then tried to make my leg collide with his own, trying to make me fall to the ground. Richie turned forward and to her right, slapping her hand as hard as she could in the middle of ThLump's back as she slid past. The blow caught ThLump between the shoulder blades and sent him tumbling towards the people in his tent, The people from his tent had to hold him up so that he didn't fall and Richie and I smiled at our victory.

"What in gods name is going on here?" Mr. Sir was now stood just in front of the crowd that I didn't even notice had formed. He looked at Richie and I, then looked at ThLump who was now standing up straight.

""You two, my office, now." Mr. Sir pointed at Richie and I - we could tell by the expression on his face that we were in some deep shit.

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