Chapter 2 - Not such a good welcome home

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The volkswagen came to a halt as I took my foot off the gas pedal and pressed down on the brake. I parked the van around the corner in the hope that nobody would see us getting out of it. El and I began walking up the overcast driveway; I couldn't see any light coming from our home apart from a tiny glow coming out of the sitting room window. El and I tried to dodge the light. And failed. Miserabley. It turns out that the light was actually my dads flash light and he was sitting at the front window, waiting for our return. Just as any good parent would do. Like a predator just waiting for the prey to come to it. As soon as my dad saw us, I froze. I could see him jump up. He opened the door.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere!" He said as he pulled us into the hallway and slammed the door. I could see that his face was red with rage. I guessed that he had been drinking, drinking away his sorrows. the smell of beer and vodka basically burned my nose. Nothing had changed. My dad always drank untill he couldn't even read the label on what ever bottle he had in his hand. He would sit there, thinking about how messed up his life is. Then come to the conclusion that it's mine and Elyar's fault. He pushed me away from El and I landed on the floor with a loud bang. He started shouting at Elyar - which made me furious. Nobody, not even family shout at Elyar or me without one of us doing something about it. We were like the boy and the waterhorse, inseperable. We both counted on one another to keep the other one safe and unharmed.

"WHAT DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING, YOU BASTARD?" My father yelled as he grabbed El's collar got ready to punch him.

"Running, from you!" I muttered as i hastily got to my feet.

My father dropped El. "What did you just say?" the words seemed to pour out of his mouth as if he were dreaming about Kim Kardashian again. He cracked his knuckles as he slowly walked towards me. And every step he took forward I took one back.

"I said we were running from you!" I bellowed. "Do you really think that it is our fault that your life is so messed up? Well, your wrong! It's not our fault that mother left us! It's not our fault that you refuse to stop drinking away your sorrows!" A tear ran down my cheek.

Before I knew it, my father had cornered me. I had nowhere to go. My father lifted his hand; i flinched, as i knew what i was in for. It only took one punch in the face to get me down to the ground. I couldn't even feel the right side of my face. But i was more worried about Elyar. Where was he? Where did he go? Why wasn't he helping me? It took me a good few minutes to realize that my father was suddenly kicking me in the stomach. Pain ran through my body like i had just been electricuted. Then, the pain seemed to be wearing off a little. And i looked up only to see Elyar holding a pocket knife to our dads head.

"My god! Will you just stop! We're not your little punching bags! Okay? We can't be fixed! And you can't just replace us either! Now leave us alone and let us..." El was interrupted. Everyone fell silent. The police siren's had started up again. Are they outside? I thought. And i was right. Red and blue lights filled the living room like it was a disco or something.

"That's them! Those are the ones who stole our van" Holy shit! Was that the guys from the storage room ratting us out?

The policeman and woman began to question my father. And my father being who he is, acted like a concerned parent who was just looking for his children. I thought i heard him begin to cry.

"Do you still think we should tell the police?" Elyar asked - he was probably scared incase our dad blamed him for attempted murder or something like that.

"Tell the police that we were what? Looking for the easter bunny?" I replied, trying not to sound weak. I couldn't sound weak. El looked up to me.

"No. Tell them the reason we ran away. Maybe they will concentrate on the fact that our dad, beats us up and they might not be that hard on us"

"Maybe, but if we do tell them, tell them in the morning. If we tell them tonight, we still have a good 6 hours left here once they are gone.

"Court! Bright and early. 6am" The police woman bellowed as her big black boots pounded against the bloodstained wooden floor. The door finally closed. And Elyar and I trodded up the stairs, went into our rooms and pretended to be asleep - although we couldn't even close our eyes without seeing the look on the judges face when we walked past the courtroom door.

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