Chapter 8 - Welcome to B tent

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I slowly wandered over to the B tent. Looking back at Ziggy, regreting coming out here at the night time. He looked concerned for me. Was there something I was meant to know? I looked back to the tent, took a deep breath, and lifted the flap.

"El?" I whispered as I walked into the tent and closed the flap. My flashlight still shining as if heaven were trapped inside it. But with the amount of sun we got out here in the desert, it was more like hell.

"El? You in here?" I whispered again. I didn't want to move my flashlight around too much incase I woke anyone else up.

"Hey" a voice said from behind me. "What you doing here?" I turned around, knowing I was in deep shit. It was that guy from Mr. Sir's office. Oh god. What was him name again? Oh well, fuck that. I can barely remember all the D tent members never mind someone I had only heard of or seen once. I'm positive someone told me his name.

"And who are you?" I asked in disgust. It smelled like someone had just pissed all over the whole tent. But, to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone had. This guy looked like he had the personal hygiene of a stray dog.

"Might be asking you the same question" he replied. I rolled my eyes and turned away. Still looking around the tent for Elyar.

"Whoa! Talk about invading privacy!" He shouted in a jokey sort of way. I felt him put his arm around me and I almost jumped out of my skin. As soon as I felt his arm on my shoulder I grabbed his wrist and flipped it around so his arm was now on his back. If I twisted his arm any more I probably would have sprained his wrist.

"Don't ever try that again. Ever" I whispered into his ear and pushed him into a cot.

"El, where are you" I turned around, still looking around to see if I could see anything that was Elyar's. I turned around again hoping that El would be on the other side of the tent. Then, bam! That retard was stood right infront of me and I got a fist to the face. I spun around and fell to the tent floor. I could feel my mouth filling up with blood. The metalic taste of the blood was burning my mouth. I felt something run down my cheek. More blood. Laying on the floor, that bastard punched me again. I felt my nose crack; I screamed in pain. This wasn't the worst beating I had took. But it was pretty bad. I sat up, feeling like I had just had a game of dizzy dizzy ducklings. I spat some blood onto the floor and looked up with the one eye I could actually open.

"ThLump! You do that again, she'l go all Papa Tunde on yo ass" A voice said from behind the freak that just almost broke my face. Elyar.

"Who the hecks Papa Thunder or whatever?" ThLump demanded.

"Papa TUNDE is a character off The Originals who goes around killing everyone, not that you would know." El replied.

"Oh shut up and get back to sleep!" ThLump shouted. I could tell that he was like the leader of the tent.

"You know it's bad luck to hit a girl, right?" I uttered, slowly but surely getting back to my feet.

"What, you think i'm bothered about beating up a girl who's mom's been dead for most of her life" ThLump responded walking closer and closer to me.

"How'd you know about that?" I was confused. El wouldn't be stupid enough to tell someone like him about mom. Would he? I tried as hard as I could to hold the tears back. I cracked my knuckles and grabbed his collar. And got ready to punch the shit out of him. "How'd you know? Huh?" I screamed.

"I overheard your little brother over there. Telling Maxie everything about your life. I know all about your dad and how you ended up here. It's actually quite sad."

I felt two other guys pull me back and pick me up by my arms. "Really? Three against one, yeah thats really fair!" The tears just came streaming down my face like my eyes were Niagara Falls.

"Oh, you miss your moma?" One of the guys said from behind me.

"You think you're all that, beating up whoever comes your way. When really, your just like the rest of us delinquents." I retaliated. ThLump just turned away and the two holding me up through me out of the tent. I must have hit him in his 'weak spot'. As I ripped through the flap on the tent and hit the desert floor, I felt myself go dizzy again and black spots came into my vision.

"Oh my God! You okay?" Zigzag lifted me up and helped me to my feet. He seemed concerned. I didn't speak. I was in too much pain. My whole face was throbbing. He helped me to my feet and I put my arm around him. "Keep your head up. It will help" Ziggy put two fingers under my chin and pushed my head up. He could tell I was weak. I was tired, and I was vunerable. I could have just fell asleep there and then. In Zigzag's arms. I layed my head on his shoulder; he jumped. Zigzag mustn't have been used to having a girl in the tent - but then again, this is a boys detention centre. Ziggy helped me get back to the tent. Heck, my feet barely touched the floor most of the way there. With him being a lot taller than me, he basically carried me back.

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