Chapter 33 - More Punishments

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Richie POV

 "WHAT! NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" I screamed at Mr. Pendanski as we followed him out of the councillor's tent. After the fight with ThLump, Mr. Sir took Nikki and I to the Warden's office.


Nikki and I followed Mr. Sir out of the wreckroom as we could feel everyone's eyes staring at us. We've got out of things like this before. Technically, it wasn't our fault; ThLump threw the first punch, so Nikki and I punching him back was self defense. Right? Plus, he's the one that was being a dick so we were only returning the favour.

Mr. Sir knocked on the door and began to straighten up his hair and his shirt a little before the ginger-haired Warden opened the door with a confused look on her face.

"These girls have something to tell you." Mr. Sir announced.

"Come in, come in. You're letting the cold out." So, the Warden wasn't mad at the moment, but she didn't know what happened yet. The three of us came in and Mr. Sir closed the door. "Sit down." The warden commanded. Nikki and I sat down on one of te sofas that was in the middle of the average sized room.

"So what was it that you wanted to tell me?" The warden asked as she sat next to Mr. Sir on the other sofa.

"Oh, that, umm... Funny story. ThLump started punching us and we fought back." Nikki replied.

"Is that the whole story?" The Warden asked, obviously knowing that it wasn't.

"Yes" Nikki and I said in sync.

"Are you lying?" Mr. Sir asked, trying to get us to tell the whole story.

"That depends how you define 'lying' Mr. Sir." I tried to stall them in the hope that something would suddenly come up and give us more time to make up excuses.

"Well I define it as not telling the truth, how do you define it?" Mr. Sir continued.

"Reclining your body in a horozontal position?" I replied, making gestures with my hands as I said 'horozontal position.

""Excuse me?" The Warden almost whispered.

I held my breath waiting for something to happen.

"We define lying as not telling the truth, Ma'am." Nikki quickly said before anything else could happen.

"Good, now tell me the whole story." Nikki and I told the warden and Mr. Sir everything that had happened apart from the bit where I sat in the tent and cried for about half an hour - they didn't need to know that. And the warden told Mr. Sir to take us back to our tent then go back into the office so that they could think of a suitable punishment for Nikki, ThLump and I.

We went back to our tent and sat down on our cots. Damn, we really screwed up this time. Plus, Mr. Pendanski already hates us so known him he will tell The Warden and Mr. Sir that we deserve worse than what they were already thinking. Whatever punishment we get, I hope ThLump gets worse, he knew what he was doing and he deserves worse than what we get.

"What was that all about?" Armpit asked as the D-tent boys walked into the tent and sat down on their cots. Nikki looked at me and I gave her a reassuring nod. We were going to tell them.

I sighed. "When I was a baby, my parents put me up for adoption. I got adopted by this really nice family when I was four and they would take care of me - like any family should. Everything was good. They promised me that they would take care of me and never let me go back to the orphanage. Then I turned fifteen and I got told that I was being forced to marry someone called Huancho once I turned eighteen and I did what any other teenager would have done if they were in the same situation. I became very secretive and kept sneaking out. I knew that I wouldn't get any money if my foster parents didn't know what it was for and even if I did tell them, they wouldn't give me it anyway. So I tried to get money off of other people and when that didn't work, The money was for my tabs and a weapon and I began to steal. I would go out about two times a week, go to a corner shop and steal some tabs. I got a letter today from my foster family and they were saying how I became so secretive and they didn't like how I wasn't telling them anything. They said that I had began to rebel as Nikki and I would get into fights at school. Long story short, they said that they had promised Huancho's parents before they had adopted me that their child would marry Huancho. Then my foster Mom found out that she was unable to have kids so she adopted me in order to keep her promise to Huancho's family. I guess they knew that I wasn't going to marry him and they couldn't make me, so they are sending me back to the orphanage when I get out of here. They said that they are being forced to break their promise to me in order to keep their promise to Huancho's family."

I looked up to see that everyone had sympathetic looks on their faces and then continued.

"I went into the wreckroom when I got the letter and Nikki came over to me. I let her read the letter then I put it in the bin. We walked back to the tent and about half an hour later went back to the wreckroom and sat on the sofa in front of the T.V. ThLump came over and he had the letter in his hand. He started saying things about my past and making jokes so I told him to shut up. He kept on making jokes so I stood up and told him to give me the letter. Then he punched me so I punched him back. He punched me again and my nose began to bleed and I could taste blood so Nikki came and helped me. Not to brag or anything, but we beat him up pretty bad."

Everyone except Nikki had concerned faces and tears in their eyes. Nikki was smirking, probably remembering how we beat the shit out of ThLump. As Squid came up to me Nikki went and sat next to Zigzag on his cot. Squid engulfed me in a hug. I didn't want to let go.

"You okay?" He whispered into my ear sweetly. I smiled and nodded in response as the hug ended and Squid sat downn next to me. Just that second, Mr. Pendanski came into the tent and asked Nikki and I to follow him to the councillors tent. Nikki and I stood up and did as we were told.

The councillors tent was pretty much like any other tent apart from the fact that it had hammocks instead of cots and it was a lot cleaner. Mr. Pendanski told us to sit on the hammock. I guess they had decided on what our punishment would be. The hammock was comfortable but we kind of sunk into it when we sat in it. It was better than an old wooden cot, though.

"Girls, we have decided on your punishment. You have been disrespectful. Since you have came to this camp, there has been two fights - both which seemed to involve one of you girls, if not, both. You have given us no choice. We have never have had to resort to this before but there's nothing else we can do. We are sending you to Camp Holystone Correctional Facility on the other side of Texas. You will be leaving tomorrow night and you will get there Wednesday morning." WHAT! THEY CAN'T SEND US TO A DIFFERENT CAMP! IT'S NOT OUR FAULT PEOPLE ARE ANNOYING! PLUS, MOST OF THE TIME SARCASM AND BEING DISRESPECTFUL IS OUR ONLY DEFENSE!

"So whats happening with ThLump?" Nikki asked curiously. It's not fair if they punish us and not him, he's the one that intentionally started it.

"Another eighteen months have been added on to his sentence and he will be on water duty until he leaves." What! That's nowhere near as bad as our punishment! You know what? I bet he blamed the whole thing on us and since he's been here longer than us they believed him more. Disgraceful.


 Telling the d-tent boys that we were being moved to another camp was something Nikki and I didn't want to do. In fact, we were dreading it; we didn't know what their reactions would be. How was I going to tell Squid? We couldn't just leave without telling anyone where we were going or without a goodbye. I've never been good at goodbyes. 

Richie and I walked back into the tent and everyone was staring at us.

"Guys, we have to tell you something." I began, I took a deep breath. This was going to be harder than I thought.

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