Chapter 34 - Camp Holystone

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Nikki POV

We had just finished telling the d-tent boys that we were being sent to a new camp. And that we would be leaving tomorrow night. Their reactions weren't as bad as I thought they would be, they just hugged us and told us to be careful. Zigzag hugged me tighter than anyone else and whispered 'I don't want you to go.' in my ear. I hugged him tighter in response. Squid hugged Richie and whispered something in her ear too then began to cry a little.

I began walking towards B tent to tell Elyar what had happened. I took a deep breath before walking into the tent. Luckily, Elyar was the only one there. He looked over to me and smiled. "Hi Nikki." He said happily.

"Hi." I replied, smiling sympathetically. I had no idea how I would tell him. He gave me a look of concern, obviously knowing that something was wrong. I swear, Elyar could read me like a book. I sighed and began telling him what happened. "You know how Richie and I wanted to prank Mr. Pendanski but ended up accidentally pranking The Warden?" I ask him. He nodded in response before it dawned on him.

"Y-you're not leaving, are you?" I asked, tears in his eyes.

I nodded in response, my eyes filling up with tears too. "The Warden kicked us out." I mumble, trying to hold in my tears once Elyar began crying a little. I hugged him. "You have to promise me one thing, okay?" He nodded. "You have to promise to not get kicked out. I will try to come back here, okay?" I added.

"O-okay." Was all he could say. I pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears away.

"I'm going to miss you." I admit. "Heck, I'm going to miss everyone, but I'll miss you the most." I reply, smiling a little.

Elyar laughed a little before talking again. "I-I'm going to miss you too." I said, smiling, tears still in his eyes.

"Listen, I have to go now, but..." I began to take my necklace off. "I want you to keep this for when I come back." I say, giving the necklace to him.

He nodded before putting the necklace in his pocket. I smiled and stood up, not wanting to say bye because I knew that I would see him again. To me, saying bye is like saying that you know that you're never going to see that person again so I just smiled at him and gave him one last hug before leaving the tent. I walked over to where the yellow bus was and everyone from D tent was there. Luckily, Zigzag was holding my bag and I ran over to him before hugging him. "I love you." I whispered to me. I smiled and nodded, still hugging him. "I love you too." I replied before Richie and I had to get on the bus.

Richie looked like she had been crying and neither of us said anything until we got to Camp Holystone.

---------- At Camp Holystone ----------

Camp Holystone was about 2 hours away from Camp Green Lake. It was an all girls camp too. Richie and I got off the yellow bus and were immediately hit with heat and a little dust from the ground. It didn't bother us though. We were used to it.

A guard led us towards what I was guessing was the office and, luckily, the officer didn't check us for any weapons. I'm guessing Camp Green Lake must have told them that we didn't have anything.

"Richie, Nicole." The officer said, looking at our files.

"It's Nikki." I mumbled.

The officer gave me a look of disapproval. "I am Miss. Hanlon. You will call me by my name and nothing else. Here are your uniforms." She handed us two uniforms, just like the ones at Camp Green Lake. "You girls already have one, but you need three. One is for sleeping, one for work and one for relaxation. Every 4 days your work clothes will be washed and your relaxation clothes become your work clothes. Your sleep clothes will be washed the day after your work clothes and your work clothes will become your sleep clothes." I found that a little confusing, but I understood what she was saying.

We were then led to tent A by the officer. The tents here were a lot cleaner than the tents in CGL. We walked into the tent and it was exactly the same as D tent, exept it was full of girls instead of boys.

"Girls, this is Richie and Nikki." She said, putting emphasis on my name since I corrected her earlier.

"Sup, I'm Clarissa but everyone calls me sunshine." Said a girl with a cheerful voice. I could tell why they called her 'sunshine'. She seemed like the more positive one out of all of them. Her wavy, brown hair was shoulder length at the front and longer at the back. The sun was shining in the tent a little and I could see a red tint to her hair because of the sun shining on it. Her mandula-shaped eyes were green with a little bit of grey and she was about 5'5". I smiled at her in response, as did Richie. "This is Luna and Red. The other two are on water duty." Clarissa explained with a southern accent.

I looked at Red and smiled, although I was wondering what her real name was. She had a short pixie cut that was dyed red and had a blonde tint to it. I was guessing that it was just because the dye was fading as she wouldn't have been able to dye her hair in the camp. Her eyes were upturned and brown with a bit of a hazel tint. She looked at me and smiled but none of us said anything. That was, until Luna spoke.

"These are your beds, try to keep them clean. Unless you want to be stuck trying to clean a bed for half an hour." She said, breaking the silence. I laughed a little before realising that she wasn't joking. I stopped laughing and fake coughed to hide my laugh. I didn't really feel like getting on anyones bad side on my first day and I'm sure Richie was thinking the same.

Luna had tanned skin and long, jet black hair that went to just above her waist. It was curly but she had it tied up in a ponytail with a few pieces hanging down at the front. Her monolid eyes were dark brown; so dark that you couldn't tell if there was a pupil there or not. I found that quite creepy but she looked like someone I could trust.

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