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The wedding's today and Harry doesn't know how to feel. He's still trying to understand everything that went down at dinner with Louis. They were frenemies, then they kind of made up, then Louis touched Harry's hair, and then he left. It's all too many things for Harry to process.

"Are you sure I look okay?" Harry's pestering his mother with questions as they drive to the wedding venue. Anne sighs loudly. They're nearly there and the closer they get the more Harry pesters. It's not like he's doing it on purpose, he's just extremely nervous about everything.

"You look amazing, Harry. Don't be so nervous," Anne assures him.

"Don't be nervous? Mum, all of One Direction are going to be there. I haven't prepared myself enough for that. I know the paparazzi won't be allowed at the event, but I know that they'll be right outside taking pictures! What if I get in a picture and someone recognizes me from my fan account? I have to apologize to Eleanor when I'm there as well and that's going to be a huge headache in itself," Harry mumbles.

He promised himself that he would apologize to Eleanor for any inconvenience Harry might've caused her. Lottie tried to tell him that there was no apology necessary, but Harry knows he'd feel bad if he doesn't at least say sorry.

Harry's stomach drops as they pull into the wedding venue and park amongst the other cars. Harry steps out of the car and adjusts himself quickly. His Mum told him that his black slacks and black button down would look fine, but he insisted on wearing his thin, black and white scarf anyway. The last thing he does is push a pair of sunglasses up his nose as he walks with his Mum towards the church.

"Harry!" Harry turns at the sound of his name, trying to find who's shouting at him. He spots Lottie waving him over near the entrance of the building. Harry glances at his Mum who gestures for him to go and join her.

"Hey, we didn't come late or anything, right?" Harry takes his place beside Lottie as they slowly start walking together.

Harry's glad Lottie doesn't have any hard feelings after the blow up at the dinner. He feels bad for Louis snapping at her. Lottie assured him that she doesn't have any bad blood over it and that they could continue to be friends. Harry couldn't be happier with the outcome.

"No, you're fine. The ceremony's going to start in a little bit. Mum wants everyone in the wedding party to meet up soon, so I can't stay long. How about I introduce you to some people," Lottie offers.

Harry fiddles with his fingers as Lottie leads them towards a small group of people, a small group of people he recognizes. He grabs Lottie's arm, stopping her in her tracks.

"No, no, no, that's Niall, Liam, and Zayn! I can't go over there," Harry protests. The three boys are chatting quietly amongst themselves. Liam's girlfriend, Sophia, stands at Liam's side as well.

"You'll be fine, just remember they're all just a bunch of gross boys," Lottie says. Harry sighs deeply and forces himself to suck in a few shallow breaths. He can't believe he's about to do this. He has no clue how he's supposed to just approach the three boys and act normal.

"Okay, I'm okay. I might as well get this over with now." Harry sucks in a deep breath as Lottie drags him towards the group. Every step closer causes Harry's heart to beat faster. He almost tells Lottie to turn around, but it's too late.

"Hey Liam, hey Niall, this is my friend Harry. I've got to go join Mum pretty soon and he doesn't really know anyone else here. Can you please take him under your wing?" Harry watches as Liam and Niall turn to look at Harry. His mouth goes dry as Zayn narrows his eyes at him.

"Sure! I'm Niall, it's nice to meet you, Harry. It's fine, Lottie, go run off and do what you got to do. Liam, Zayn, and I got this, right guys," Niall speaks. Liam throws a small smile Harry's way, but Zayn's glare doesn't let up. If Zayn doesn't relax a little, Harry's skin will start to crawl.

"I'm Liam, that's Sophia my girlfriend, and this is Zayn," Liam introduces. Harry notices the standoffish way Zayn is acting. He's sure he must know about Harry's fan account. Harry can't think of any other reason why Zayn would act so strange if it isn't that. He's seen videos of Zayn meeting fans with open arms, so his behavior is more than puzzling.

"So, where do you come from, Harry? I'm from Ireland, if you couldn't tell. Liam's from Wolverhampton and I'm going to assume you're English," Niall says. Harry's glad Niall's making conversation. His heart has just started to slow to semi-normal rate in his chest.

"I'm English," Harry answers quietly.

"How do you know the Tomlinsons," Liam asks. Liam's always been the quietest member of the band, so Harry's not surprised by his shy nature.

"My Mum is friends with Jay," Harry explains. He pushes his hands into his pocket and rocks on his heels. Honestly, he has no clue how he hasn't fainted yet. Years and years of wanting to meet them and now it is finally happening. He always figured he'd be a little more overwhelmed. Harry figures it has something to do with the environment he's met them in.

"We're in the band with Louis, her son, do you know Louis?" Harry's heart leaps at the sound of Louis's name. Harry watches as Sophia and Liam wander off somewhere. He's glad that there are two less pairs of eyes on him.

"I actually met him for the first time a couple days ago," Harry replies. Niall's a lot easier to talk to than he'd ever guess. He finds himself relaxing a little more now that it's just Niall and Zayn.

"Oh, really? How long have your Mums known each other?"

"Not long, they met in the beginning of June after the Manchester concert, I think. The concert was amazing, and you guys had a great set, by the way," Harry compliments.

Harry remembers that night easily. The concert had been amazing. A few of Harry's friends had been there that night and were sending Harry videos of the concert. He knew Jay had been at that concert, but he had no clue the following morning would change his life forever.

"Were you there," Niall asks. Harry spares a glance at Zayn to find he seems intrigued in the conversation. As soon as Zayn catches Harry looking he rolls his eyes and turns away.

"I wish. My friends went and there were some videos circulating Twitter."

"Yeah, makes sense."

They make small talk as they wait for the church doors to open. He's glad Niall's keeping up his end of the conversation. Harry was scared that Niall would get bored and just stop replying, but he stays invested in the conversation even throwing in a few jokes here and there.

Soon, they're interrupted by the sound of the church doors swinging open and the sound of soft church music. Niall turns to him and smiles.

"Looks like they're letting people in. Wanna go in and catch a seat with us or are you going to be lame and sit with your Mum?"

Harry glances around, trying to find his mother somewhere among the crowd of people that formed in the last few minutes. He spots her with his dad. He figures it'd be a lot easier for him to just join his parents. He's scared that if he hangs around Niall too much he'd start rambling and soon enough, his secrets will come spilling out with it.

"I think I should go sit with Mum. It was nice talking to you, though." Niall waves at him as Harry goes and joins his family.

"You were talking with Niall, huh? You didn't look nervous at all! See, it's a lot easier than you thought," His Mum teases. He rolls his eyes as they make their way into the church and find seats. Harry prays that the reception isn't as awkward as the pre-ceremony was. 


Oops my finger slipped and I accidentally wrote this chapter. LARRY MET! Thoughts? Feelings? Emotions?  Yea, same. Anyway. Thanks for everything! ~B

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