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Are you dressed?




Are you doing anything?




Good, I'm gonna pick you up in 10 minutes.


For what?


You'll see ;)

Harry confusingly stands and gathers up his wallet and house keys. He has no clue what Eleanor is making him participate in, but he prays it isn't going to be anything embarrassing. It's a Saturday, so Harry doesn't have work and he would've just sat home all day bored anyway. He figures he may as well get out of the house.

He hears the car outside and a Moment later he gets a message from Eleanor saying she's there. Harry hurries outside and climbs into the older girl's car.

"Where are we going," Harry asks. He hopes that Eleanor will explain in further detail what they're doing now that Harry can't really get out of it.

She answers simply, "Girls' night." Harry raises an eyebrow and glances at her quickly.

"Okay, but I'm not a girl and it's also the middle of the day," Harry states. Eleanor rolls her eyes and turns into a café parking lot.

"I know it's not night, and you're not a girl. Nobody has time in the evening, so we decided on meeting up here instead. This is a get together for all the One Direction girlfriends and I figured since you're technically dating Louis you should be involved. Besides, we're kind of friends now and you're nice company," Eleanor explains.

"What are you going to tell them? They don't know about Louis and me. I'm just showing up to... show up?" Eleanor shrugs and grabs her purse from the backseat. He can already tell this isn't going to be a great idea.

Harry follows her out of the car and into the small café. He already spots Sophia and Perrie in the back of the café laughing. Harry shoves his hands into his pockets as he follows Eleanor to the table. The girls stand and give Eleanor a quick hug before sitting back down.

"I didn't know we were bringing guests," Sophia says. Her tone is sharp and judging, and Harry immediately wants to run out. He's only talked to her a few times and every time she was a little standoffish, but he didn't think she was rude.

"Sophia, be nice. Nobody said anything to you when you brought your cousin last month," Perrie snaps. Harry's eyes widen at Perrie's harsher tone. Over the couple years that Harry's listened to her band, he's never heard her snap before.

"Whatever," Sophia grumbles. Harry shrugs it off and turns back to Perrie and Eleanor. Perrie leans forward as if she's about to tell them something.

"I may not even be coming to girls' night anymore," Perrie complains. Eleanor gasps dramatically. Harry's shocked. Zayn isn't breaking up with Perrie, right? Harry thought Perrie was Zayn's beard, but he had to admit the pair was cute (and definitely more real than Eleanor and Louis).

"What! Why?" Eleanor sighs. Harry can understand why she'd be so upset over it. Not only is she losing one of her best friends, but she's also losing one of the only people in her life that understands what she's going through. Not a lot of people know what it's like to be dating one of the biggest pop singers in the world.

"Turns out Zayn fancies Louis and has ever since X-Factor. From what I've heard, Zayn's fancied him even when Liam and him were together. I don't really know what happened, but turns out it's still a thing. I figure it won't be long before I'm kicked to the curb," Perrie explains.

Wait, Zayn fancies Louis? Did Louis like Zayn back? Does this mean that Zouis was a real thing at some point? Did Harry delete his Zouis account for no reason? Are Zayn and Louis in a secret gay relationship?

'Of course, Zayn and Louis aren't in a secret gay relationship, because you and Louis are in a secret gay relationship', Harry tells himself. He sucks in a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

"I doubt Zayn'll kick you to the curb. He's a semi decent guy once you scrub away the stuff on top," Eleanor reassures. Harry doesn't quite know if he agrees or not, but he decides it's probably best to stay out of it.

"In more interesting news: I slept with this girl last night. I swear she's the best I've ever had. Liam's good, I'll give him that, but this girl was amazing! She did things I didn't even know you could do, but damn she sure did manage to do it," Sophia sighs. The other girls lean in and nod along.

Harry's, once again, shocked. Sophia's dating Liam. What is Liam going to say when he figures out his girlfriend is sleeping with someone else? He knows that Louis and Liam had that thing going on for a while, but he figured Liam already cleared the air. Is Sophia getting revenge on Liam for cheating on her? Harry is getting a headache from all the new information he's received.

"What's she like? Is she hot? Details, Sophia, details," Eleanor whisper-yells. Harry can't believe this. She's taken! Are they endorsing cheating?

"I'm sorry, but aren't you and Liam dating," Harry asks. Sophia rolls her eyes, realizing now that she'll have to explain everything. Harry feels bad for it, but he's really confused.

"Liam and I are in an open relationship. You see, we're both bisexual—well he's pansexual, but that's beside the point—and we both agreed we liked sleeping with the same sex. I can sleep with a girl, and Liam can sleep with a guy, and we're okay with it. Frankly, I wasn't surprised that Liam slept with Louis. Louis' hot as hell," Sophia explains. Perrie and Eleanor laugh along with Sophia.

Harry sighs deeply and rubs his temples, trying to keep up with the new influx of information. 


Hey guys! This chapter is early I know, but I won't be able to update tomorrow. It's another filler and I'm awfully sorry about that. However, next chapter is gonna be a roller coaster of emotions and a turning point. We have about 10 chapters before the end of the book. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

ATLC: My fav larry moment is either their first kiss or the time when they went to Manchester together.

Bonus Goal: 24 votes and 24 comments

QOTC: Sexuality and gender?

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