Sebastian x Reader #66

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(This is for my 1000th post on IG)

You walk to the park to see him - Sebastian Stan. You remember your first time meeting him was also at this park, accidentally colliding into him as your bicycle lost control and hit his bicycle.

There he is, standing underneath the tree and smiling at you. He straightens his jacket and runs his fingers through his hair in attempt to smooth them.

"Hey you. What's up?", you greet him with a kiss.

"Oh, nothing. I just wanna talk about something", he says.

"That it couldn't be spoken through a phone?", you ask and he nods.

"We've been together for a couple years now. I love you and I know you love me. There are days when I cannot imagine living my life without you. I always miss you whenever I'm away and I want you to always be with me", he says.

"Where are you going with this, Seb?", you ask, the sudden feeling of butterflies in your stomach surges in.

Sebastian kneels on the ground and pulls out a velvet box. He opens it, revealing a beautiful sapphire ring.

"Would you do me the honour of being Mrs. Stan?", he asks.

You cry out of pure joy and nods, too speechless to say anything. He stands up and slides the ring on your finger, a perfect fit.

"I love you so much", you kiss him.

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